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B.I.G wrote:Thanks for your reply and explanations. Gary Roberts wrote: please don't bag the RX 570/580 series of GPUs...
24th November 2019
The math functions are different. Don't expect performance to match. MW needs FP64 so GPUs with high FP64 compute perform...
23rd November 2019
1070 and 1070Ti with driver 396.51 on 1950x in Ubuntu 18.04 I tried it with all CPU tasks paused and GPU usage went up to...
9th November 2019
Bernd Machenschalk wrote:We'll shift the GPUs to a new applcation ("O2MDF") where they'll basically run on their own, i.e...
9th November 2019
Was the CPU version of 2.00 (GWnew) set as MT? I only had 1 single task running out of 8 threads with 32GB of RAM. I was not...
14th October 2019