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Could somebody tell me why this WU is invalid? I seem to have over 230 invalids since I started running a new GTX 670 card...
24th November 2014
Well, I didn't pay much attention to the CPU time as the GPU time still looked like a lot.. But, what you say makes...
10th August 2014
Howdy folks, This GPU task takes much longer than others yet gives the fewest points. Can we adjust the points up a...
10th August 2014
Turns out I had to re-install Windoz because somehow the old ATI files messed things up. It's working now! Thanks...
14th September 2013
I have a NEW GK208 GPU GT630 with 384 CUDA Cores and it won't fetch work no matter what I do. This is in the messages...
14th September 2013