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Saenger commented on Paused work.
Hello Kirk, The projects crunch only once at teh time, unless you heve more tham one (virtual) CPUs. They change the...
8th March 2005
Saenger commented on i wish***
> hi i am new HERE. > > here ist my wisch (aber nix von zefa): > > how about making a OFFF TOPIC FORUM/...
8th March 2005
> Thanks a lot for the response. Congrats for the first ones ;)
7th March 2005
Hello GT, yes, it does. But if you want to have yióur first credits faster, you can update manually. Depending on the...
7th March 2005
Hello Melanie, It's a known kind of bug. It happens sometimes, when you update the Boinc-client, or when you attach/...
7th March 2005