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> Look at my pc spec and tell me if you consider it fast in the E@H stakes >
15th March 2005
> Sounds like faster CPU's are being penalized credits for time > That makes no sense at all LOL > Plus anyone...
15th March 2005
Saenger commented on Pending
> So how many pending credits have people got right now?? I have 7 pending > totalling 650.38 equalling 92.91 each....
15th March 2005
> I have 7 pending totalling 650.38.... and i've been waiting 48 hours :( As the deadline is 7 days, and not...
15th March 2005
The claimed Credit is calculated by your puters. claimed credit = ([whetstone]+[dhrystone]) * wu_cpu_time_in_sec /...
15th March 2005