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Hello Dodge, The (very good) manual for Boinc is the BOINC Powered Projects Documentation by Paul D. Buck and the FAQ...
29th April 2005
> > BUMP Here is nothing, niente, nada, niets, nix, nichewo, rien!!!
29th April 2005
Hello Meertn, do you run the old 4.19? It was not implemented in it, so best solution would be simply update to the...
28th April 2005
You have to update the project. It will be done on it's own, the next time you DL some new WU, and the whole concept of...
28th April 2005
> As it's still missing, and this strage sit by some Sascha Pfalz still pretends > to be a stats page, I have to...
25th April 2005