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Quote:> As it's still missing, and this strage sit by some Sascha Pfalz still pretends > to be a stats page, I...
25th June 2005
Saenger commented on Help!
Hello Geoff, You've crunched 1 WU (and yes, it's a Work Unit) up to now, but got no credit for it, because you were...
20th June 2005
Thanks for the tip Saenger ;) Didn't know of that "src" thingy.. Didn't know either, before I read about it in some...
12th June 2005
Editing is off? Yep, certainly is. I just did it! So it's on again! And again! BTW. Congrats Sharky!
12th June 2005
Testing use html: My left banner goes like this: AQnd yours should be this:
12th June 2005