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Saenger commented on BRP3 CUDA
Quote:In case you missed it...Linux CUDA application released! Best, Oliver Yeeehaw! Just got one, let's see, how...
19th January 2011
From our SETI.Germany Blog:Computer theft solved thanks to BOINC The thief could not have anticipated this when...
6th September 2010
Quote:Quote: It increases the speed by about 3%, and blocks the whole GPU for that. So: + GT240 -> no good idea...
9th August 2010
Quote:Quote:@Saenger: The explanation given by Ver Greeneyes is correct. There is a certain part of the computation (...
8th August 2010
Quote:@Saenger: The explanation given by Ver Greeneyes is correct. There is a certain part of the computation (here:...
18th June 2010