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JBird commented on Newer Stats
Aight-- My midnite specs on these 2 machines - Updated and posted to Boinc Stats Bam. (interesting, these last 4 Parkes on...
29th October 2015
Quote:If I reveal my clocks won't I get arrested? Heh, no but your screenshot revealed another difference to me -...
29th October 2015
Dang, that was cool parody T! I ran House of Jeans in Killeen, TX (Ft. Hood located there) Dry county - had to be...
29th October 2015
Sorry, I'm sure that's my fault. Lemme try to fix it. That particular phrase which I tried to qualify with the trailing...
28th October 2015
What I meant about mentioning BoincCombined, is that they were the closest relevant/timely credits post - to FreeDC's...
28th October 2015