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Zalster commented on Is this my mind?
He is crunching but was reinstalling the Linux.  He told me he was running Seti.  Guess I'll need to call him and find out...
30th January 2019
Zalster commented on Is this my mind?
JBird was the last here for a while.  I moved 1 machine back here today but only while I work. Otherwise it's offline.  I...
28th January 2019
Zalster commented on Is this my mind?
Once in a blue moon. I’m preoccupied with GPUGrid at the moment. Also some RL issues that are distracting me. Goid to see...
18th January 2019
Please reread my response at the beginning of this thread. EAH doe not affect the frequency.
16th January 2019
shuhui1990 wrote:Thank you for pointing it out. Could you elaborate on "get corrupted by the normal P0 state levels"? Now...
15th January 2019