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Quote:big box now moved to E@H from SETI. another one of the GPUUG crew! Andy Nice rig...... That should be able...
25th November 2012
msattler commented on Counting Credits
I am not here for the creds. There are other Boinc projects where I could harvest beaucoup creds if that's all I was after...
24th November 2012
msattler commented on Counting Credits
Quote:The version of BOINC used in Einstein servers has a lot of things customized to be able to do certain...
23rd November 2012
Quote:Argh, 10-day-cachers... Guys, you *don't need* more than 2 day cache for Einstein@Home (if you have 24/7...
23rd November 2012
msattler commented on Counting Credits
Quote:Quote:Is possible to turn on the number of WU counter (in progress, pendings, validate, error, etc) in the User...
23rd November 2012