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Quote:Opencl_nvidia_sah will not be released to main OK....whazzup? We have a hot new opti app and it's not going...
5th February 2016
msattler commented on Old re-build
Quote:Quote:Man....That totally sucks... Sorry to hear that. Yes, best to remember all the good things we have....
4th February 2016
And then, with the love of my Lori towing me by the ear............. I saw the best broadway show on the planet... The...
2nd February 2016
msattler commented on Team Morale
Please do copy and past that PM for all others to see, my friend. There are things there that others might appreciate....
2nd February 2016
msattler commented on Team Morale
And, don't forget that I am on the team boards too................ And quite Insurgent and Lucy aware. My abilities are...
2nd February 2016