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Quote:I think that is a green light Juan. Put us in please. This time there is no sub-team nonsense. Our output...
3rd December 2012
I do have one thread free, as I indicated, and won't readjust until I max out my RAC. At least then I will know what...
3rd December 2012
What I have found in the past is that I crunch on all cores. What I am doing nbow, is enabling hyperthreading, and...
3rd December 2012
I agree. I love Seti, and that is where my loyalty is, but those limits are useless when trying to produce work. 200 units...
3rd December 2012
Piggy is building RAC on Einstein. I think it will top out in the mid 70K's. With the limits at Seti, I decided to set...
3rd December 2012