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Thanks guys! You make it hard to be and stay humble. You know what's cooler than that, though? The fact that the...
4th April 2016
4 Apr 2016, 1:00:32 UTC Valid 4 Apr 2016, 1:00:32 UTC Validate Error What is going-on?!?
4th April 2016
(*&^%$%^ &^%$#$%^&^%$# *&^* (I&&* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 Apr 2016, 16:13:26 UTC was...
3rd April 2016
Quote:Quote:If not, I will have to resort to a different host to see if I have a hardware problem. That´s is exactly...
3rd April 2016
Quote:Wierd. Can you change the GPU to another host and test? That will be the next thing I do, Juan. All of...
3rd April 2016