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It's just an *amazing* thing, isn't it? I have to go get a crown stuck on a tooth in an hour. The round-trip to the...
11th June 2013
Quote: For the guys with the problems, are you guys using app_info.xml files, or are you using app_config.xml files?...
11th June 2013
Quote: I'd really like to get to whatever the underlying cause of this problem is. Edit - it would be helpful if you...
11th June 2013
Quote: can you PLEASE check to see if you have any Windows Update installs around the same time as the issues...
9th June 2013
Quote: I ran controlled comparison tests for BRP5 running 1x, 2x, 3x, and 4x on one GTX660 host Thank you for doing...
29th May 2013