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tbret commented on Whatever Four
Zalster!  Get the 100w equivalents and that dim problem goes away.  Getting them to FIT in some fixtures is a problem, but...
2nd September 2016
tbret commented on SETI.Germany??
548,537,622.13   Correct direction and we've got our secret weapon back... (That's Juan, for anyone who did not know...
2nd September 2016
“Something i´m curious to know, there are some other way to optimize in E@H like we do wih the command line in S@H?” Juan...
31st August 2016
If we can't get RAC back up to 3,000,000 as a team, we might as well hang it up until we need to heat the house this...
31st August 2016
Whatever. I suppose phone users are most important since there is all that spare computing power on them.   (I know...
30th August 2016