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Quote:Long running Single Work unit v1.50 per GPU PM 0007_016D1_316_0 14360 runtime 10533 CPU time PM...
6th March 2015
Quote: Wait - what about BRP4G-cuda32-nv301? These go to DGPUs. We do not expect to have work for this application...
5th March 2015
Quote: You are speaking of "mismatched pairs", "fortunate" and "unfortunate" beta (work)units, about "good or bad...
5th March 2015
Quote: Do you know whether the two sub-workunits will always be of consistent 'chewiness', for want of a better word...
5th March 2015
Quote:Is there a similar improvement in performance expected for BRP4G too, since it uses the same application?...
5th March 2015