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Quote:As a new RasPi2+Raspbian owner, may I ask why you compile boinc by yourself instead of using the one from the...
13th March 2015
I'd kindly asks all here to a) watch their language b) keep a friendly and respectful tone and c) stay on the topic of the...
12th March 2015
Quote: Why are you planning a CUDA 5.5 app? The CUDA 6.0 toolkit depreciates targeting G80 (sm_10) but still supports...
11th March 2015
Quote: Perhaps this means 1.52 implements the tail-curtailing scheme Bikeman has been forshadowing, Yes, the...
10th March 2015
Quote: I'll modify the template in the RESULTS thread to include 2 BRP6-beta lines, one for betas up to 1.50 and the...
9th March 2015