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poppageek commented on GPU repair
I have done it several times changing fans and putting on new TIM. Easier than you might expect. You should be able to get...
2nd June 2016
I think I will remove Boinc from startup rc.d and just start it manually. It is not a big deal to do it that way and it...
2nd June 2016
First boot without restart. I use sudo service boinc-client restart or stop then start. Quote:Wed 01 Jun 2016 07:47...
2nd June 2016
The plot deepens.... Quote:poppageek@PG-2x7870 /var/lib/boinc-client $ cat stderrgpudetect.txt No protocol...
1st June 2016
Thank you Jari for the link. :-) It did not help though. :-( AgentB Yes that is the host. Yes simply restarting...
1st June 2016