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How is shipping cost and time from UK? Assuming that is where you are getting it.
13th August 2019
PorkyPies wrote:poppageek wrote:I run 4 concurrently on my 1gig ram RPi2s and RPi3, each task takes 202MB ram. They run...
4th August 2019
On the RPi2s the app is from the project. On RPi3 and RPi3B+ I use the optimized app.
29th July 2019
I run 4 concurrently on my 1gig ram RPi2s and RPi3, each task takes 202MB ram. They run headless and I increase the memory...
21st July 2019   RPi 3, 3b and 4 tower cooler. Overkill but still pretty cool. May not be overkill in hot...
16th July 2019