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astro-marwil wrote: Hello! Many, many thanks to all of you, for all of your assistance! Unfortunately, I have no luck...
27th April 2023
mountkidd wrote: It was a pleasure to help and get results.    Support for radeon-profile fizzled about 3 yrs ago and...
25th April 2023
From only a couple completed tasks and just rough numbers: GammaRay - 32.5% decrease in times with RX 6600 over the...
25th April 2023
RX 6600 again... 1st I used systemctl to stop and disable BOINC so it wouldn't autostart after reboots. Then I ran...
24th April 2023
mikey wrote: The files are stored in c:\program data\boinc The very long way to stopping the igpu from crunching is to...
24th April 2023