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Attempting to employ the same methodology to the collection of temps. I measured the center of the heatsink from 1 hand...
6th March 2008
Quote:Quote:The highest temp I can find with my Fluke 65 IR temp probe is 56C on the stock Q6600, but only 46 on the...
6th March 2008
@ Bikeman, the command you gave: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/temperature Doesn't work on the Q6600 either, just...
5th March 2008
OK, The Q6600 has turned in it's first wus now. At stock settings it finished all 4 Simap wus between 40:08 and 40:21....
5th March 2008
OK, down again to 2.665 Ghz FSB freq - 205 PCIE freq - 100 Processor freq mult - 13X cpu-nb link speed - auto cpu volt...
4th March 2008