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Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
Spot on Mike. Solar power is limited in what it can do at present. Anywhere near the tropics will benefit from all day...
3rd August 2017
Devils Tower (also Bear Lodge Butte) is a laccolithic butte composed of igneous rock
3rd August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
Ah now, Mikes top chart certainly shows how it is doesn't it. This fictitious electric aircraft lands on the runway at sea...
3rd August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
Aircraft get in the air by simple thrust power from a jet engine or drag power by a propeller driven aircraft, once aloft...
3rd August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
powering aircraft by microwaves from satellites is simply not feasible. You couldn't hook up to one for a 6000 mile flight....
2nd August 2017