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Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
Is it normal for British people to come to (wrong) conclusions so fast? You may have your own opinions of course. Thank...
7th August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
Good morning my dear Sir, I trust I find you well, hale, and hearty? You may learn something. Oh I most certainly did...
7th August 2017
As I said earlier, Wikipedia is a useful starter for ten, which will give links to other works of reference for further...
7th August 2017
Chris S commented on Electric vehicles
That tricycle looks inherently dangerous to me. The average weight of a 5 year old child is 44lbs. 6 of them = 264 lbs or...
7th August 2017
The phrase "What planet do these people live on?" is a colloquial and jocular expression meaning that someone is out of...
7th August 2017