"Save Lick Observatory" campaign

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Yes I have seen Alex

Yes I have seen Alex Filippenko on scince programs here many times and first when he said “I’ve been a loyal faculty member here for about three decades" I had to look him up since I thought he looked young......turns out I am 6 months older than him.

And Mike over the years here I got the feeling that you would be able to do anything there and we both would have no problem figuring things out and learning on the fly from anyone there (and I have listened to Alex for years and he could explain thing to my wife so.... ;-)

Just looking at the picture I can see I could live up there too.

Mountains where I live are bit too cold in the winter but I used to go up on a few in the Olympic mountains and look at the night sky.

My cardiologist has a nice telescope and all over his office are pictures he took of many of the famous galaxies we have seen on the web over the years.

For whatever reason many people say we waste money doing things like this which is why we haven't done anything on the Moon after waiting for something to happen since I was 12 years old.

Now just looking at the night sky is good enough for me since flying to the Moon or Mars with humans may not happen in my lifetime.

Of course this project is nice too.

(and Mike and I appear here at the exact same time )

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: (and Mike and I appear

(and Mike and I appear here at the exact same time )

LOL, in all my time here that has never happened before. Yep, great minds think alike ... and fools never differ! :-)

{ ... but seeing that Unix/Linux is granular to milliseconds, I wanna see the server log. :-) }

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
Joined: 18 Jan 05
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RE: RE: (and Mike and I

(and Mike and I appear here at the exact same time )

LOL, in all my time here that has never happened before. Yep, great minds think alike ... and fools never differ! :-)

{ ... but seeing that Unix/Linux is granular to milliseconds, I wanna see the server log. :-) }

Cheers, Mike.

Yeah I will very surprised since I had spent several minutes reading the article and typing and looking things up and when I click on *post reply* I see my post between 2 posts and at first wondered if something went wrong here!

Then I saw it was you at the same time I had just mentioned you I had to look at the post time and THAT was even more hard to believe and then I edit mine to mention this and I saw you had edited yours too and even the edit was only 12 seconds apart.

I think the Lick Observatory and Alex Filippenko would be surprised something like that would happen considering the subject and that you are in Australia and I am way up north on the Olympic Peninsula in the Land of Microsoft

Yep, great minds think alike......and I will just let the fools be amazed this time!

(makes me want to look and see what time it is Down Undah but I have always been a night owl)

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Howdy Samson and Mike ! I

Howdy Samson and Mike !
I wonder what the odds are of that?
You and Mike posting at the 'exact' same time )

BTW: I thought you must be out there in Microsoft land
since you said it rains 10 months out of the year.


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RE: It seems to a typical


It seems to a typical stoush b/w those that do versus those that count beans.

Them there is fightin' words.

It always shocks me to learn that those that "do" feel that those that "don't" owe them whatever beans they care to consume.

We know what the outcome is when too many beans are consumed.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: RE: It seems to a


It seems to a typical stoush b/w those that do versus those that count beans.

Them there is fightin' words.

It always shocks me to learn that those that "do" feel that those that "don't" owe them whatever beans they care to consume.

We know what the outcome is when too many beans are consumed.

Touche! We are assuming alot here ie. what 'seems' and there in lies the rub with such matters when information is highly de-referenced. As you say budget nitty gritty transparency would address many concerns. I agree in that if you want to raise a general subscription/shareholding then such diligence queries are fair game. ;-)

@MAGIC : a clear case of quantum entanglement! Were we subject to correlated cosmic ray annihilation photons way back whenever ? :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: @MAGIC : a clear case


@MAGIC : a clear case of quantum entanglement! Were we subject to correlated cosmic ray annihilation photons way back whenever ? :-)

Cheers, Mike.

Einstein was right then - Re: Spooky action at a distance ))


MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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And at the same time what

And at the same time what happened in the multiverse

Am I typing this right now in Bubble universes?


Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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I always have that trouble

I always have that trouble ie. just which universe am I in ? I perpetually think that I am in the wrong one, but i don't know it's number. :-)

The trouble with Everett's ( no collapse ) interpretation of QM is that while he never originally mentioned other universes explicitly, his perfect deductive sequence from the mathematics certainly implied same. That hurled the cat amongst the pigeons and remains one of the QM conundrums that is still politely ignored today.

As for Lick : anytime someone wants to make me a billionaire I would be more than happy to fund them !

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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