Ready Reckoner Area

Brian Silvers
Brian Silvers
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RE: No, it will be

Message 79409 in response to message 79408


No, it will be unrelated to any client/server or browser/server technology when running. The JVM is downloaded and installed for a given machine. The ( soon to be provided ... ) ReadyReckoner.jar file will be downloadable for you to execute as a standalone - that is no web interaction is required beyond setup of the JVM and acquiring the jar. I think you may be thinking of 'Javascript' and/or 'Java Server Pages' which while modelled on ( the original ) Java and are 'somewhat' related in concept, is not the line of development I am pursuing.

I had a "blonde moment". :-(

We just had covered making an executable jar in Eclipse on the evening of the 17th. I forgot the whole manifest spec and addition to other things discussed in that class session... :-( Nobody had shown us that previously, since the direction of the course was JSP (and soon JSF).


I will indeed be pleased in the future to reveal the source code for anyone's perusal/critique/alteration, but when I'm happier with it's stability and performance AND when I have satisfactorily commented and JavaDoc'ed it. One likes to put the best foot forward in public ..... :-)

Comments are overrated... :-P

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: I had a "blonde

Message 79410 in response to message 79409

I had a "blonde moment". :-(

Chortle, I think I'm having one too .... :-)

We just had covered making an executable jar in Eclipse on the evening of the 17th. I forgot the whole manifest spec and addition to other things discussed in that class session... :-( Nobody had shown us that previously, since the direction of the course was JSP (and soon JSF).

For the life of me I can't get Eclipse ( 3.2.2/Callisto, on Windows XP ) to spit out a jar, using it's 'wizard', that actually executes. I see a blizzard of similiar queries when I google ( 'Could not find the main class' ), I've specified the right unique class with the signature that is right for entry etc [ 'public static main (String[] args)' ], I've put the newline ( two actually ) at the end of the manifest file because of the Unix/Windows thingy, and it still won't work! Did your evening class say something 'special' about that?

Comments are overrated... :-P

Yeah, I know, but I'm trying to be/look semi-pro here ... :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Brian Silvers
Brian Silvers
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RE: For the life of me I

Message 79411 in response to message 79410


For the life of me I can't get Eclipse ( 3.2.2/Callisto, on Windows XP ) to spit out a jar, using it's 'wizard', that actually executes. I see a blizzard of similiar queries when I google ( 'Could not find the main class' ), I've specified the right unique class with the signature that is right for entry etc [ 'public static main (String[] args)' ], I've put the newline ( two actually ) at the end of the manifest file because of the Unix/Windows thingy, and it still won't work! Did your evening class say something 'special' about that?

I was about to contemplate sleep, but let me fire the thing up and flip over to a project that actually has a main... (the web stuff doesn't)... I'll edit in a few minutes...

Edit: Did you select to export class files? How about both class and source? I can just walk through the wizard and it works fine. Also make sure to type in "package.class" for the entry point, not just the class...or use the browse, as it pulls up the right thing for me...

I'm using Europa, but I don't think that would've changed much... Oh, and I don't have to define a signature, only the entry point. Not sure what your instructions are telling you to do. Of course, those may be "standard" instructions where I'm using a modified BOB (Big Ole Bundle) that the people at the college put together (comes fully loaded with leather seats...errr....fully loaded with Omondo UML, AspectJ, JSF, EclipseME, Perl support, Mylyn, Spring IDE, etc, etc, etc, then external tools such as:
A boatload of taglibs
Aqua Data Studio (database frontend)
Wireless Toolkit 2.5
JDBC drivers
...and more...

Supposedly, Outback Steakhouse is running their web site off of the package I'm using...

The entire unzipped folder size is reported as 1.37GB, and I only have 42MB in the workspaces folder... :-)

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: I was about to

Message 79412 in response to message 79411


I was about to contemplate sleep, but let me fire the thing up and flip over to a project that actually has a main... (the web stuff doesn't)... I'll edit in a few minutes...

Edit: Did you select to export class files? How about both class and source? I can just walk through the wizard and it works fine. Also make sure to type in "package.class" for the entry point, not just the class...or use the browse, as it pulls up the right thing for me...

I'm using Europa, but I don't think that would've changed much... Oh, and I don't have to define a signature, only the entry point. Not sure what your instructions are telling you to do. Of course, those may be "standard" instructions where I'm using a modified BOB (Big Ole Bundle) that the people at the college put together (comes fully loaded with leather seats...errr....fully loaded with Omondo UML, AspectJ, JSF, EclipseME, Perl support, Mylyn, Spring IDE, etc, etc, etc, then external tools such as:
A boatload of taglibs
Aqua Data Studio (database frontend)
Wireless Toolkit 2.5
JDBC drivers
...and more...

Supposedly, Outback Steakhouse is running their web site off of the package I'm using...

The entire unzipped folder size is reported as 1.37GB, and I only have 42MB in the workspaces folder... :-)

Ah, it just gave me a 'duplicate entry point' error.

It's mocking me now .... :-)

I think I'll have to review the project structure prior to 'Export', but like yourself I'll have a sleep on it.

Thanks anyhows.

At least I know such a thing is possible ( I have to do jar's because it's the only reliable cross-platform format to distribute with ).

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Ah, it just gave me a

Message 79413 in response to message 79412

Ah, it just gave me a 'duplicate entry point' ...possible ( I have to do jar's because it's the only reliable cross-platform format to distribute with )

Turns out the Standard Widget Toolkit isn't so 'standard' after all... :-(

There are some unique gotcha's which are irrelevant if one plans to distribute as a Windows only product .... however various errors arise as one attempts to export a distributable platform independent standalone. I'm sure many of you will know that dll's ( dynamic link libraries ) are purely an M$ thingy - so there's no way our Linux and Mac friends will be enjoined by a jar ( which is a zip with additives ) containing them. One can use SWT cross-platform but not without some likely fiddly/onerous setup at the client end. I wish I'd known that a month ago! :-)

So it now looks like SWT is outside my goal spec of a one-shot download ( well, given that a client JVM is pre-installed and at the ready ). Nonetheless it looks like I can re-factor using 'Swing' instead. It's a simpler but less 'sexy' looking GUI system already within all current JVM distributions so won't require any troublesome magic for the clients. Fortunately I kept the GUI logic partitioned/separate from the main program logic! :-)

So I'll have a crack at that .... :-)

Cheers, Mike.

NB. Also thanks to Brian Silvers for his kind suggestions ( PM ), but it turned out to be the way Douglas Adams said ( of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, the makers of Marvin the Paranoid Android ) - that the superficial design flaws covered the deep design flaws ..... :-)

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Brian Silvers
Brian Silvers
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RE: but it turned out to be

Message 79414 in response to message 79413

but it turned out to be the way Douglas Adams said ( of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, the makers of Marvin the Paranoid Android ) - that the superficial design flaws covered the deep design flaws ..... :-)

Well, that's what gets me about all this supposed "greatness and great freedom" with Linux. Although I know that the SWT isn't "Linux", it just points to one of the complaints I have about open source...the fact that it is too open source. You have 10,000 different products that are sorta similar, but then they all have their unique key features, or, commonly, their own unique quirks and incompatibilities.

This is not to say that closed-source can't have the same thing happen....

One thing that irked me when I was playing around in the Ubuntu VM that I had was the plethora of libs available to just arbitrarily update if you choose to do so. In the Linux world, are there installers that check for dependencies and then inform the user of the dependencies that need updating? I did not continue on after I got really frustrated with the instructor and the fact that the VM implementation was really, really, really slow... Oh, and I should note that I mean installers for stuff not available through yum or synaptic, etc...

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Well, that's what gets

Message 79415 in response to message 79414


Well, that's what gets me about all this supposed "greatness and great freedom" with Linux. Although I know that the SWT isn't "Linux", it just points to one of the complaints I have about open source...the fact that it is too open source. You have 10,000 different products that are sorta similar, but then they all have their unique key features, or, commonly, their own unique quirks and incompatibilities.

This is not to say that closed-source can't have the same thing happen....

One thing that irked me when I was playing around in the Ubuntu VM that I had was the plethora of libs available to just arbitrarily update if you choose to do so. In the Linux world, are there installers that check for dependencies and then inform the user of the dependencies that need updating? I did not continue on after I got really frustrated with the instructor and the fact that the VM implementation was really, really, really slow... Oh, and I should note that I mean installers for stuff not available through yum or synaptic, etc...

It's a pack/tribe thing. As usual, it's best to be neither the first nor the last .... :-)

While I was not given an untruth per-se, what wasn't mentioned ( and for my purposes you can see why I see this as a key point ) was that: SWT cross-platform distribution is not wrapping up a single jar ( ie. no OS dependent versioning within ) containing only JVM byte code to be confidently thrown at any conforming JVM installation. The 'V' is for virtual, right?

I found out this nugget ( as you could predict ) by trawling the allied user/developer forums, and certainly not on the IDE/Plugins sites that you source these things from! I'm relieved that I was not alone in my assumptions .... :-)

Silly me .... people are subtly Balkanizing the open source landscape .... and it's probably the same one's who whinged about the 'asymmetry' of the M$/Sun dispute, incidentally over the ownership/rights to Java. :-(

Now I'll move on, as Buzz LightYear says - 'to infinity and beyond'. [ The ultimate do-loop specification ]

Thanks for listening .... :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Brian Silvers
Brian Silvers
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RE: While I was not given

Message 79416 in response to message 79415


While I was not given an untruth per-se, what wasn't mentioned ( and for my purposes you can see why I see this as a key point ) was that: SWT cross-platform distribution is not wrapping up a single jar ( ie. no OS dependent versioning within ) containing only JVM byte code to be confidently thrown at any conforming JVM installation. The 'V' is for virtual, right?

I found out this nugget ( as you could predict ) by trawling the allied user/developer forums, and certainly not on the IDE/Plugins sites that you source these things from! I'm relieved that I was not alone in my assumptions .... :-)

Oh, since we're having so much fun complaining, I want to complain, again, about instructors. It's sorta related, because I was led to believe something was possible...but it is not.

Anyway, the database instructor... We're doing aggregate functions and the book has a different record count in the examples than what we have in our tables because we've been playing with the data. Anyway, the count(*) and count(column_name) were supposed to be different, but they were equal. We had a column that had an empty string instead of a null, so we wanted to try to get the column value to be null so that count(column_name) would be less than count(*)...

Well, they tried doing:

DELETE column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name = value;

Well, they led the class to believe this should work. After a few minutes of it not working, they gave up and moved on to the next page in the book...

I kept playing around with it though. I went out and looked up how to UPDATE a value by SETting the value. I did this and the count(column_name) was then lower than the count(*).

I pointed this out, and they stuck with their original statement that you should be able to use DELETE and should not have to UPDATE. I just replied back with "well, it is what works though"...and they kept going with the other material.

So I took the liberty of checking on DELETE functionality. In every major database, DELETE can only handle deleting an entire row, not just a specific columns (tuple, field, whatever) value. In a moment of "not wishing to be a total jerk", I decided it wasn't worth having a confrontation with them...and so I kept that nugget to myself. As I told my Mom, I learned something, even if they did not...

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Oh, since we're having

Message 79417 in response to message 79416

Oh, since we're having so much fun complaining, I want to complain, again, about instructors .......... As I told my Mom, I learned something, even if they did not...

Way to go Brian .... Like I told my daughter for her art class, get good marks by following the teacher ( who is a numb nut ) but do better paintings at home!

Anyhow codefiends I have quickly ripped out a barely working GUI shell for RR8 after re-factoring to Swing. Don't get too excited as it does very little beyond proof of concept, as I still have to convert the content of the Validate & Plotting tabs ( already completely written for SWT ) to Swing.
It should:[pre]
- resize pleasantly
- exit using the menubar : File -> Exit
- minimise/restore/maximise/exit with the usual upper right icons
- give a prissy 'About' box using the menubar : Help -> About
- select between 'Data'/'Validate'/'Plotting' panes using their tabs
- on the 'Data' tab I expect:
- 'Clear' button to clear the central yellow text area.
- 'Load' button provokes a file open dialog
- 'Save' button provokes a file save dialog
- 'Validate' button moves you to the 'Validate' tab
[/pre]It won't ( yet ) load/save files to any directory other than the one you unzipped into ( where 'ReadyReckoner.jar' is ), regardless of your folder/directory traversal in the file dialogs.

- get the zip file
- unzip to some suitable out of the way directory.
- don't alter the placement of any files or sub-directories ( the /lib folder contains other jars referenced by paths in a manifest file that the JVM loader will use - so they have to be where they are said to be ).
- I've put a small 'test.rrd' file for you to fiddle with if you like. Roll your own if you want, it's the same CSV format we've been using all along. I thought: rrd = Ready Reckoner Data, and this is my default extension choice. Though the file dialogs will allow for other extensions, I've pre-filtered them using this one. I don't know of any prior usage conflict elsewhere ( please advise ).

As I said, I'm only making sure I can distribute it and you can run it. If this test works I don't see any further difficulties in that regard at least ( famous last .... )

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Joined: 15 Oct 05
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RE: So: - get the zip

Message 79418 in response to message 79417


- get the zip file
- unzip to some suitable out of the way directory.
- don't alter the placement of any files or sub-directories ( the /lib folder contains other jars referenced by paths in a manifest file that the JVM loader will use - so they have to be where they are said to be ).
- I've put a small 'test.rrd' file for you to fiddle with if you like. Roll your own if you want, it's the same CSV format we've been using all along. I thought: rrd = Ready Reckoner Data, and this is my default extension choice. Though the file dialogs will allow for other extensions, I've pre-filtered them using this one. I don't know of any prior usage conflict elsewhere ( please advise ).

As I said, I'm only making sure I can distribute it and you can run it. If this test works I don't see any further difficulties in that regard at least( famous last .... )

Cheers, Mike.

Tried to unzip but couldn't.

[kathryn@Galaxy ~]$ cd rrbeta/
[kathryn@Galaxy rrbeta]$ unzip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, period.

Fedora 7, FWIW.

Email me if there's something else you want me to try.

Kathryn :o)

Einstein@Home Moderator

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