All things Nvidia GPU

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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I would never have picked

I would never have picked home PCs for fluid cooling. That was the realm of ( Seymour ) Cray supercomputers when I bought my first : an 8088 machine circa 1986. 

My daughter had 'Coked' many keyboards though before I banned her drinking the stuff near the expensive hardware.

I also do not overclock or fiddle with voltages either : I stick with the parameters of the bin it was tested for.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Why? When there are

Why? When there are "non-conductive fluids" now present on the market.

At least in fluids, World has made advantages in last 30~40 years. 

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KLiK wrote: Why? When there

KLiK wrote:

Why? When there are "non-conductive fluids" now present on the market.

At least in fluids, World has made advantages in last 30~40 years. 

I just buy cheap keyboards at the Dollar Store and pitch them when they go bad, so far none have had to be pitched and I have 3 in service that get used every day. I do have some more expensive keyboards but they were bought on sale after a newer version came out and I have several of them as well.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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mikey wrote: Woof you could

mikey wrote:

Woof you could move up a bit them from the bottom of the top 50 if you free them up then.

can't tell if you're joking.

my systems have been crunching GPUGRID pretty consistently the past few weeks, only coming back here when GPUGRID is out of work. my titan V systems are all still in the top 10 even only working here intermittently. the big system finally came back after being down for a few weeks due to electrical issues and should come back up to 2nd/3rd place like it was. that system isn't even water cooled. I don't water cool all my systems. only one of them and plans to add water cooling to another this spring. 

and Einstein doesnt stress the cards enough to matter for increasing power to them. I power limit the cards to ~160W, but they only use about 125W under Einstein BRP7 anyway, so lifting the limit would make no difference. I have toyed around with the clocks and power limits a bit previously on FGRPB1G (which pulled more power), and releasing the clock and power limits doubles the power draw, for about 5% gain in production. not worth it.


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mikey wrote: KLiK

mikey wrote:

KLiK wrote:

Why? When there are "non-conductive fluids" now present on the market.

At least in fluids, World has made advantages in last 30~40 years. 

I just buy cheap keyboards at the Dollar Store and pitch them when they go bad, so far none have had to be pitched and I have 3 in service that get used every day. I do have some more expensive keyboards but they were bought on sale after a newer version came out and I have several of them as well.

I would answer you, but that would mean that WE go in "off-topic". But I do not go "off-topic".

So MODERATORS should deal with you. Stay well... 

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Ian&Steve C. wrote: mikey

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

mikey wrote:

Woof you could move up a bit them from the bottom of the top 50 if you free them up then.

can't tell if you're joking.

my systems have been crunching GPUGRID pretty consistently the past few weeks, only coming back here when GPUGRID is out of work. my titan V systems are all still in the top 10 even only working here intermittently. the big system finally came back after being down for a few weeks due to electrical issues and should come back up to 2nd/3rd place like it was. that system isn't even water cooled. I don't water cool all my systems. only one of them and plans to add water cooling to another this spring. 

and Einstein doesnt stress the cards enough to matter for increasing power to them. I power limit the cards to ~160W, but they only use about 125W under Einstein BRP7 anyway, so lifting the limit would make no difference. I have toyed around with the clocks and power limits a bit previously on FGRPB1G (which pulled more power), and releasing the clock and power limits doubles the power draw, for about 5% gain in production. not worth it. 

No I wasn't joking and thanks for giving me the reasons why my idea wouldn't work, thank you very much I learned something today.

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Tom M

Tom M wrote:

San-Fernando-Valley wrote:

Tom M wrote:


My inspiration is Ian&Steve C's doing it with 7 Titan V's.

Tom M

You might/will have troubles getting WBs ....

Not only for Titan V or Titan Xp ...


Stay cooled !


That would be the trick. Finding after market water blocks that feed into each other while making the rtx 3080 ti GPU 's pure single slot GPU's.

I would also have to find a 2500 watt PSU unless I left the cover of the case off :)

Unless I power limit the GPUs to fit into my 1600 watt PSU.


You can always drop another or several PSUs behind the case ...

No problem here ...


As for the power limit:

The TITAN V uses at most around 160W.

The GV100 needs less W than 160W. Even with a higher load of 7 to 8 tasks per GPU.

The 3090FE uses at the most around 300W.

The 750Ti 4GB needs only max. of 40W.

Oh by the way, I don't mess around with the GPUs, I just buy them and drop them in the case or

outside of it.


If I would tell you the run-time comparison of the four above mentioned GPUs, you would get tears in your eyes.

Especiall when comparing run time per watt OR the other way around.

Maybe I shouldn't post so much, as I always get somebody on my neck trying to make me ...

Nice Sunday - if possible



Tom M
Tom M
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S-F-V,No tears here on


No tears here on your account. I stub my foot and cry/yell/curse enough already. And then I shoot myself in the foot.

Assuming I can fund the costs I hope to have an AsRock Epycd8 MB driving 4 Titan V GPU's up later this Spring.

I also managed to add a second rtx 3080 ti to my main SuperMicro Dual-cpu system on Saturday.

Life is good.

Except for the furnace quiting Saturday evening.


Tom M


A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Tom M
Tom M
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Ran across a listing in the

Ran across a listing in the Top 50 for a "NVIDIA L4".

When I looked it up on NVIDIA they were talking about "Tensor cores" doing this, that, the other thing.  Clearly it runs basic GPU processing too.

Maybe the most interesting thing is it is a Single slot card. With one 8 pin connector.

Seems to list used for $2000-$3000

Tom M




A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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yeah that's just the next

yeah that's just the next iteration in Nvidia's x4 line. they had P4, T4, A2 (basically the T4 successor), now L4. they are always low profile single slot cards with fairlow low TDP under 75W.  I don't know where you see that the L4 has a 8-pin power connection. the TPU link you provided says it has 16-pin, but that's not correct either. the L4 only has a 72W TDP and gets power from the slot with no external power.

the host you linked is a cloud rental of some kind.


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