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Amor Fati by Katha Pollitt Everywhere I look I see my fate. In the subway. In a stone. On the curb where people wait...
7th October 2009
MINE by the right of the white election! Mine by the royal seal! Mine by the sign in the scarlet prison Bars cannot...
1st August 2009
From Here to There by Brad Leithauser There are those great winds on a tear Over the Great Plains, Bending the grasses...
1st August 2009
40 Years ago today. Some 20+ years later, W.H. Auden wrote: Moon Landing It's natural the Boys should...
20th July 2009
July 6: Thomas Moore was beheaded this date for daring to declare what his Truths were. Ah, that rascal Henry VIII...
5th July 2009