Recent posts

Dana commented on scheduler logs gone?
Hopefully they will get turned back on since it sure comes in handy when troubleshooting to see what the scheduler thought...
19th March 2010
Hello, I was reading the forums and found information that looked like I would be able to use my ATI HD 2600xt GPU to run...
7th November 2009
Dana commented on Milestones IV
Hi Guys, One million for me as soon as some of my pending credit comes through. Just like someone a few posts before...
25th November 2008
Didn’t have time to read through the entire post so I apologize if I’m covering covered ground. With that said, this...
23rd October 2008
Thanks. I see it now. I feel a little retarded not seeing it before. What is the best way for me to temporarily move my...
21st September 2008