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Quote:Bernd, can you be more precise please? In the next few months I will build my new PC and E@H is my priority...
9th July 2015
I just set up a Raspi2 from a recent Raspbian image and found the scaling_governor set to "powersave" . Not what you want...
5th July 2015
Quote:I'm glad you agree that was too slow. i left it alone for a day to see anything change. It did...time has been...
4th July 2015
Quote:I may have messed it up and not working properly. the time is almost 4 hours at 16%. Where it was before. I...
3rd July 2015
I like the "pipe" idea, you could mount it vertically with the fan on top and give it a black finish so it looks like a...
9th June 2015