Yeah, yeah I know you've read it, but maybe some of us laymen out here haven't. Link to LIGO and all about grav waves etc. Something to read while your CPUs are overheating.I just hope LIGO doesn't become the worlds greatest earthquake detector!
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LIGO link etc
Sir Spuddly Buddly wrote:
> Yeah, yeah I know you've read it, but maybe some of us laymen out here
> haven't. Link to LIGO and all
> about grav waves etc. Something to read while your CPUs are overheating.I just
> hope LIGO doesn't become the worlds greatest earthquake detector!
Hi : _ Sir Spuddly Buddly
Sir Spud __
thanks very much for that Link _ LIGO
... detect .. a gravity wave .. WOW !
wouldn't that gladden the heart
of Albert Einstein .. ?
and help all of humanity ?
Very Best Wishes from ..
friendly and respectful
> :) > > Sir Spuddly Buddly
> :)
> Sir Spuddly Buddly wrote:
> ======================
> > Yeah, yeah I know you've read it, but maybe some of us laymen out here
> > haven't. Link to href=""">">LIGO[/url] and all
> > about grav waves etc. Something to read while your CPUs are overheating.I
> just
> > hope LIGO doesn't become the worlds greatest earthquake detector!
> =======================
> :)
> Hi : _ Sir Spuddly Buddly
> Sir Spud __
> thanks very much for that Link _ href=""">">LIGO[/url]
> ... detect .. a gravity wave .. WOW !
> wouldn't that gladden the heart
> of Albert Einstein .. ?
> and help all of humanity ?
> Very Best Wishes from ..
> friendly and respectful
> byron
>Thanks for the reply. Who's this Elbert Einstein ? Is he Alberts son, or some long, lost cousin?
> Yeah, yeah I know you've
> Yeah, yeah I know you've read it, but maybe some of us laymen out here
> haven't.
LIGO (a.k.a. "Initial LIGO") is really more of a test so that they can get LIGO2 (a.k.a. "Advanced LIGO") right. LIGO2 is what it's all about. Gravity wave detection with LIGO is considered "plausible," while detection with LIGO2 is a near certainty. The first few hours of running Advanced LIGO will be the observational equivalent of Initial LIGO's whole career.[/url]
And the big prize will be LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). Unfortunately, although ESA is ready to go on this, the Americans have been stalling since Bush decided it was more important to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to play golf on Mars.[/url]
(Why don't my HTML tags work? Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?)
> > Yeah, yeah I know you've
> > Yeah, yeah I know you've read it, but maybe some of us laymen out here
> > haven't.
> LIGO (a.k.a. "Initial LIGO") is really more of a test so that they can get
> LIGO2 (a.k.a. "Advanced LIGO") right. LIGO2 is what it's all about. Gravity
> wave detection with LIGO is considered "plausible," while detection with LIGO2
> is a near certainty. The first few hours of running Advanced LIGO will be the
> observational equivalent of Initial LIGO's whole career.
> And the big prize will be LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna).
> Unfortunately, although ESA is ready to go on this, the Americans have been
> stalling since Bush decided it was more important to spend hundreds of
> billions of dollars to play golf on Mars.
> (Why don't my HTML tags work? Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?)
>I had probs too with the tags. I ended up cutting and pasting the whole lot in from Wordpad! Couldn't we have gone straight to LIGO2, or is that just another of my stupid questions?
Test the tag (@LC and Sir
Test the tag (@LC and Sir SB):
advanced LIGO
greetz from Switzerland
> Test the tag (@LC and Sir
> Test the tag (@LC and Sir SB):
> advanced LIGO
> greetz from Switzerland
> littleBouncer
> Thanks for the links! Seems like this guy has all the answers - clicky here
> Thanks for the links! Seems
> Thanks for the links! Seems like this guy has all the answers - clicky here
"swinging arms toward backwards many times will lead one to have the gravitational waves within oneself"
Of course for some of us, we don't need to 'swing the arms toward backwards' we still can't get out of bed in the mornings ;-)
University Relativity Group
general relativity group
lisa -
lisa - NASA
greenwich observatory pulsars
jodrell bank pulsar
reviews in relativity
> Just a recap :) (again)
> Marj
Thanks for all those
Thanks for all those interesting links marj999! It's nice to know what we're up to here. Totally agree with you on bed probs, but that guy in Japan has rooms full of gravity waves, why are we looking in outer space? Must buy some more floppy discs to try out 4 full floppies effect! :)