Aerial View of Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, P.R. The facility is owned by the National Science Foundation and managed by Cornell University. copyright: Cornell University |
Einstein@Home discovery plot. (Left) significance as a function of DM and spin frequency (all E@H results for the discovery beam). (Right) the pulse profile at 1.5 GHz (GBT). The bar illustrates the extent of the pulse. copyright: AEI Hannover |
Position of PSR J2007+2722 (red circle) in the constellation of Vulpecula in the evening sky in August; simulated view of the sky with the naked eye. copyright: AEI Hannover |
Position of PSR J2007+2722 (red circle) in the constellation of Vulpecula in the evening sky in August; constellations art overlaid for illustrative purposes. copyright: AEI Hannover |
Close-up of the constellation Vulpecula with the position of PSR J2007+2722 (red circle); simulated view with binoculars. copyright: AEI Hannover |
The Einstein@Home radio pulsar search screensaver. copyright: AEI Hannover |
Prof. Bruce Allen and graduate student Benjamin Knispel with discovery plot. copyright: Thomas Damm / AEI Hannover |
Prof. Jim Cordes, Cornell University, chair of the PALFA collaboration. copyright: Cornell University |
Einstein@Home system administrator David Hammer (right) and Assistant Professor Xavier Siemens (left), Co-Principal Investigator on the Einstein@Home Project, in the UWM Data Center. The computers that send the gravitational wave data to the citizen scientists and collect the results are directly behind them. copyright: UWM |
Prof. Bruce Allen, leader of the Einstein@Home project and director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) copyright: N. Michalke / AEI Hannover |
Prof. Bruce Allen, leader of the Einstein@Home project and director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) copyright: Thomas Damm / AEI Hannover |
Prof. Jim Cordes, Cornell University, chair of the PALFA collaboration. copyright: Cornell University |