
Results of the deepest all-sky survey for continuous gravitational waves on LIGO S6 data

July 01, 2016

LIGO Does It Again: A Second Robust Binary Black Hole Coalescence Observed

June 16, 2016

The two LIGO gravitational wave detectors in Hanford Washington and Livingston Louisiana have caught a second robust signal from two black holes in their final orbits and then their coalescence into a single black hole. This event, dubbed GW151226, was seen on December 26th at 03:38:53 (in Universal Coordinated Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time), near the end of LIGO's first observing period ("O1"), and was immediately nicknamed "the Boxing Day event".


First search on the advanced-generation LIGO detector data

March 09, 2016

The first E@h search on the advanced-generation LIGO detector data (O1) has started ! We are searching the sky for gravitational wave signals with frequencies between 20 Hz and 100 Hz. We have packed two searches in a single application: one for standard ever-lasting continuous gravitational waves and the other for continuous signals lasting only some days.