Boinc compiles fine using vs 2008. I already did that. The real problem is that on windows, einstein uses cygwin environment instead of using native vs 200X environment...
regarding the 64 bit stuff... well the whole "hot loop" stuff would not work since vs 2005 inline asm stuff doesn't work and that's what's beeing used here. So in order to get a 64 bit app working you need to get rid of that asm stuff in the code and that means geting rid of cygwin and setting it up properly in a vs environment...
However that won't happen ( as far as i know) since compiling the lalsupport libs wich is the most important part in the code won't work...
The einstein@Home app is pretty simple... using most of the functions from the lalsupport lib and GSL .... however the lal lib is able to use intels MKL ffts instead of fftw3 for that purpose...
However, setting up a proper build environment for vs 200X without that cywin crap and removing inline assembly like the so called hot loop (EAH_OPTIMIZATION etc ...) would help a lot... however that's not going to happen...
You can have a look at the source for yourself....
Does this represent a policy change (in the past Bruce and Bernd have said it was closed) or'd someone fubar their server configuration leaving it accidentally exposed.
My experience is just the opposite as apparently is expected here. An Einstein work unit on my 64 bit system running Windows 2008 64 bit OS takes upwards of 186,000 cpu seconds while an einstein work unit on my dual processor Windows 2000 server system takes a bit over 85,000 cpu seconds to run. The quad has 5 gig of ram, the dual processor has only 1 gig.
You can have a look at the source for yourself....
Does this represent a policy change (in the past Bruce and Bernd have said it was closed) or'd someone fubar their server configuration leaving it accidentally exposed.
I do not think it is accidental.Entire CVS is linked on front page.The only thing missing is address for CVS app.
I've heard somewhere here,
I've heard somewhere here, that Bernd ordered an VS2008 and it will soon be in his hands. Maybe then we will see the new x64 version, will we, Bernd?
RE: I've heard somewhere
He posted in another thread that he couldn't even get BOINC libraries to compile with VS2008.
RE: RE: I've heard
Boinc compiles fine using vs 2008. I already did that. The real problem is that on windows, einstein uses cygwin environment instead of using native vs 200X environment...
regarding the 64 bit stuff... well the whole "hot loop" stuff would not work since vs 2005 inline asm stuff doesn't work and that's what's beeing used here. So in order to get a 64 bit app working you need to get rid of that asm stuff in the code and that means geting rid of cygwin and setting it up properly in a vs environment...
However that won't happen ( as far as i know) since compiling the lalsupport libs wich is the most important part in the code won't work...
The einstein@Home app is pretty simple... using most of the functions from the lalsupport lib and GSL .... however the lal lib is able to use intels MKL ffts instead of fftw3 for that purpose...
However, setting up a proper build environment for vs 200X without that cywin crap and removing inline assembly like the so called hot loop (EAH_OPTIMIZATION etc ...) would help a lot... however that's not going to happen...
btw, a 64 bit app won't be any faster at all...
BTW, EINSTEIN@HOME is open source .... --->
You can have a look at the source for yourself....
Does this represent a policy change (in the past Bruce and Bernd have said it was closed) or'd someone fubar their server configuration leaving it accidentally exposed.
My experience is just the
My experience is just the opposite as apparently is expected here. An Einstein work unit on my 64 bit system running Windows 2008 64 bit OS takes upwards of 186,000 cpu seconds while an einstein work unit on my dual processor Windows 2000 server system takes a bit over 85,000 cpu seconds to run. The quad has 5 gig of ram, the dual processor has only 1 gig.
I do not think it is accidental.Entire CVS is linked on front page.The only thing missing is address for CVS app.