Team miniStein (Mac mini enthusiasts) now has passed 2.5 Mio credits ! :-)
300 K yesterday !
"Entia non sunt multiplicandam praeter necessitatem" (OKHAM)
1000K yesterday, in exactly 14 months.
More than 666,666 credits for E@H :-)
100,000 at Einstein today. Earlier this week 1 million in BOINC combined.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
400,000 at E@H today :)
1M credits for Boinc combined.
Happy crunching! H-B
feels good doesn't it???
400 000 for E@H today and 1 700 000 Boinc total.
Happy Chunching
Anders n
Einstein: 1.500.000+
Team miniStein (Mac mini
Team miniStein (Mac mini enthusiasts) now has passed 2.5 Mio credits ! :-)
300 K yesterday !
300 K yesterday !
"Entia non sunt multiplicandam praeter necessitatem"

1000K yesterday, in exactly
1000K yesterday, in exactly 14 months.
More than 666,666 credits for
More than 666,666 credits for E@H :-)
100,000 at Einstein today.
100,000 at Einstein today. Earlier this week 1 million in BOINC combined.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

400,000 at E@H today
400,000 at E@H today :)
1M credits for Boinc
1M credits for Boinc combined.
Happy crunching!
feels good doesn't
feels good doesn't it???
400 000 for E@H today and 1
400 000 for E@H today and 1 700 000 Boinc total.
Happy Chunching
Anders n
Einstein: 1.500.000+
Einstein: 1.500.000+