Congratulations, Barry. Now, that's a ton o' crunching! Gary Roberts had good things to say about you last week on your thread, upon his millionth, scroll up.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK
I had a double Wednesday, both Einstein and Seti rolled over 20,000.
I have another little race running at the moment with Rosetta approaching 5,000, Predictor approaching 25,000 and LHC just a few wu's away from 10,000 but with no work from LHC right now, that may be the case for ages!
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
Just a minute ago I hit the 99,990 mark......not sure why it took this long.......I know many think that is quite a few but then when I see a few with what seems to be just about the same amount of pc's as I have but more than twice as many "credits" it makes me wonder what I need to do.
I ran seti classic for 5 years and now just run LHC and Einstein.
The slowest machine I run is an AMD 2200+ and then a P4 2.5 and a AMD 64 3200+
(ran a couple of my old slow machines but I retired them since they are too slow for this)
I plan on buying a newer version AMD in january and can't wait to test that here (why I do this is another story)
I did lose my interest in seti so I don't plan on running the new version unless Einstein and LHC are down (I did start a boinc seti back when it started just in case though)
So Richard just how did you get 517,930 with what you have on your list?
Btw how do you like the AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ ???
That may be the next one I get and am wondering how fast it runs an Einstein or LHC wu.
Just a minute ago I hit the 99,990 mark......not sure why it took this long.......I know many think that is quite a few but then when I see a few with what seems to be just about the same amount of pc's as I have but more than twice as many "credits" it makes me wonder what I need to do.
So Richard just how did you get 517,930 with what you have on your list?
Btw how do you like the AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ ???
That may be the next one I get and am wondering how fast it runs an Einstein or LHC wu.
(did you build them or buy custom made? )
It's easy with 7 computers and 15 processors. If you look at my machines you'll notice that all of them are dual processor boxes (with the exception of one which does not crunch Einstein anymore). Two of the boxes have been working on Einstein almost execlusivly since Nov. 12, 2004. Both( 1409 and 1411)are dual MP Athlons and produce @15 results a day between the two of them. The 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ will complete a workunit in 5hrs.9min., and yes I like it a lot. None of the box's are overclocked and I hade them all custom built.
hey, I reached 12K einstein
hey, I reached 12K einstein
RE: New milestone reached
@Barry AZ,
Congratulations, Barry. Now, that's a ton o' crunching! Gary Roberts had good things to say about you last week on your thread, upon his millionth, scroll up.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK
I had a double Wednesday,
I had a double Wednesday, both Einstein and Seti rolled over 20,000.
I have another little race running at the moment with Rosetta approaching 5,000, Predictor approaching 25,000 and LHC just a few wu's away from 10,000 but with no work from LHC right now, that may be the case for ages!
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

500K at Einstein for me this
500K at Einstein for me this week.
Reached 2K here at Einstein
Reached 2K here at Einstein and 1K at Rosetta.
What fun!
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
50,000+ hit today! Now that
50,000+ hit today! Now that I have 6 computers with 9 processes going (yes it's shared with other projects).
Love it!
Just a minute ago I hit the
Just a minute ago I hit the 99,990 mark......not sure why it took this long.......I know many think that is quite a few but then when I see a few with what seems to be just about the same amount of pc's as I have but more than twice as many "credits" it makes me wonder what I need to do.
I ran seti classic for 5 years and now just run LHC and Einstein.
The slowest machine I run is an AMD 2200+ and then a P4 2.5 and a AMD 64 3200+
(ran a couple of my old slow machines but I retired them since they are too slow for this)
I plan on buying a newer version AMD in january and can't wait to test that here (why I do this is another story)
I did lose my interest in seti so I don't plan on running the new version unless Einstein and LHC are down (I did start a boinc seti back when it started just in case though)
So Richard just how did you get 517,930 with what you have on your list?
Btw how do you like the AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ ???
That may be the next one I get and am wondering how fast it runs an Einstein or LHC wu.
(did you build them or buy custom made? )
RE: Just a minute ago I
It's easy with 7 computers and 15 processors. If you look at my machines you'll notice that all of them are dual processor boxes (with the exception of one which does not crunch Einstein anymore). Two of the boxes have been working on Einstein almost execlusivly since Nov. 12, 2004. Both( 1409 and 1411)are dual MP Athlons and produce @15 results a day between the two of them. The 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ will complete a workunit in 5hrs.9min., and yes I like it a lot. None of the box's are overclocked and I hade them all custom built.
I just reported my first result :-)
That is one true Milestone isn't it *g
That's the best milestone - congratulations!
Edit: spelling.