And so far, we have one guideline interpreter result:
1. After all bar obligations have been fulfilled, stubborn rebels will form a queue behind *consult list* undefended educational psychologists, and Doctor Spock.
Ooh - that looks grim... *troubled watery expression*
...hold on, there's more.
... except they shouldn't bother.
The cannon squad believed they'd caught a glimpse of Michael Gove.
They have run out of missiles.
Oh well :)
We still have one pending....
2. If the TLTHPLTHFT#17 guideline interpreter has been invoked following the use of a Guerilla Rating Complex Formula Coup Conversion Calculator.....
Yes... well I did do that... although I suppose I should have read the whole manual first really...
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
BTW* : This, I believe, may be my first post here that could legitimately be said to be actually appropriate to this thread .... heed my tale folks. This is what influenza type B combined with decongestant medication can do : induces a state of conversational relevance !
Cheers, Mike.
Did the DOCTOR forget to get his flu shot this time around, or was it just a 'touch of the flu'? I went in for a routine appt the other day and my health care folks were giving out free flu shots, I got mine as usual.
Oh I get flu shots all right. But the flu keeps mutating* and this year it has done quite a bit of that. Alas when people are ill they go and see their local doctor, typically when both are breathing. Viruses take unfair advantage of this human habit. This I think is the basic error I make in my job ( seeing sick people ). I usually dodge most bullets. This is why I like the movies The Omega Man and I am Legend, my blood has got to be worth bottling ! So I crawl into bed, or more accurately I fail to crawl out of it. At this point I graduate to The Man Flu. This is a key signal to my dear wife to go out & about for the day, shopping and visiting friends etc. She says she will be back at around 5pm, give or take, and if I'm still alive she may cook me a meal. I credit this as a Perfectly Rational Response. :-)
[ I ought make time to train my large dog to go to the fridge and bring back food and drink. He is a Golden Retriever after all. Perhaps some sort of pannier arrangement draped over the forequarters. My smaller dog - cross b/w a terrier and a sausage - already serves as hot water bottle. ]
Cheers, Mike.
[long technical aside] * The virus multiplies via each cell that is infected. It hijacks the DNA photocopier that exists within for our purposes. Replication is not perfect. About one error per one billion DNA base pairs is typical. RNA replication is more imperfect. Anyway like a piece of paper that you feed the copy of back to the photocopier input, errors will creep in and be perpetuated. This is why our vaccines, being based upon the estimates of the top three variant near-future threats, can run out of relevance during production runs which are typically several months from specification to usable vaccine. That happened earlier this year and so much so that they completely restarted production ! About six weeks was lost on the usual southern hemisphere vaccination schedule. When winter did come the epidemic had an extra six weeks free of antiviral action from the vaccines.
Now while I still got the benefit of that second run, this year also had another factor : all major flu types were up in their activity in the community simultaneously. Usually they don't peak at around the same times.
There is nothing terrible about this. Don't blame the weather/climate, the CIA, The Illuminati, pigs, ducks, the Chinese or the Democrats. It just happens from time to time and gives us these types of flu seasons. This was happening in the olden days too, and for reasons rather more bland than the usual Area 51 narratives. However there are more DNA photocopiers on the planet, and rapid air travel to distribute the results. Get on a plane in Heathrow and you can be pretty much anywhere in 36 hours which is well under the relevant incubation period. Influenza is the ultimate frequent flyer. Now in Captain Cook's day it could get on a ship in Portsmouth and take two years to reach Sydney. On ship the virus would one way or another easily run out of susceptibles by then.
[/long technical aside]
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
When I was in my 30's I took the offer of a free flu jab from those *shudder* nice occupational health people at work, you know, the ones that have as much knowledge as a hospital orderly and behave like a District Nurse. I then proceeded to have the worst case of flu in my life and was off work for 3 days. Never ever again. My GP's practice moans like hell every year at me because of my age and the fact that I refuse one. But as I say to them, look if I take to my sick bed for a week, are you coming round to look after me?
I know the theory of how they are supposed to work, they give you a mild dose of flu to build up your resistance to a real dose which could be serious. The only serious one I remember was the 1957 pandemic of Asian flu, although we apparently have things now called Avian Influenza A (H7N9).
A study published in 2009 supported the concept that "man flu" exists, but the study had nothing to do with the flu (the experiment was related to bacterial, not viral, infection) and was performed on genetically modified mice rather than human beings, so the results were not necessarily applicable to humans.
Of course man Flu exists - ask any man, there you are, proof enough for anyone!
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
In lifes gamble you win handsomely, not sure about here though!
The US has about 300 million people in it, of those about 30 THOUSAND die every year from the flu or its complications. If ALL of those people got a flu shot somewhere near 85% of those people would NOT die. The flu shot is not perfect but what it is supposed to do is give you some immunity from the FULL BLOWN flu so we only get the minor side affect stuff. After all it's not usually one thing that kills us, it's the accumulation of stuff that finally does us in. Even in a heart attack there was some underlying cause of it, ie eating poorly that caused the blood supply to slow down or even stop etc, etc. The flu is the same way, it reduces the bodies ability to fight off all the other things that go along with it.
There ARE some people who should NEVER get a fly shot though, people with egg allergies are just one of those groups. As are those who have had severe reactions to previous flu shots, those people need to have a conversation about what is different NOW then when they got sick THEN with their Doctor, and decide what is best for them.
All that being said NO ONE is getting out of this Life alive, we ALL have to die of something, that's just the way it is.
those people need to have a conversation about what is different NOW then when they got sick THEN with their Doctor, and decide what is best for them.
I think I might challenge that! I know what's best for me. On occasions I might call in a doctor to confirm what I think anyway with a few tests. There will be a "no re-sus" notice above my bed I can assure you of that. If I don't put one there, someone else will!! When it's time I'm marching out of this life on my terms, nobody elses.
This is why our vaccines, being based upon the estimates of the top three variant near-future threats, can run out of relevance during production runs which are typically several months from specification to usable vaccine. That happened earlier this year and so much so that they completely restarted production ! About six weeks was lost on the usual southern hemisphere vaccination schedule. When winter did come the epidemic had an extra six weeks free of antiviral action from the vaccines.
That happened here last winter too, and they're worried it might again this year.
I got a flu shot at work once and very promptly got the flu. Refused the shot for years after that. Got sick some years, some not. Finally let my doctor talk me into it a few years ago (mainly out of fear of getting the flu and giving it to my ailing mother; it would have finished her off even sooner) and haven't been sick since. Last year, they offered a shot along with the wellness screening* at work and I got it. This year, they said the shot wasn't ready yet (due to concern over getting it right this time), but just go to a screening at another building and they'll have it there. I think I'll wait until I see the doc next month.
Meanwhile, I am deeply regretting seeing a podiatrist. My right foot was a tad sore and tight on the bottom. Now it's tight in the Achilles as well as the bottom, and ranges from uncomfortable to extreme pain no matter whether I'm wearing my old, medium-aged steel toed, or new shoes, any of them with or without the custom orthotics, or nothing at all, and walking, standing, or sitting. Actually, some sitting positions are the most painful.
All right now, let's get a bit more work done before lunch. Or, perhaps, go to the euphemism. Yes, that sounds like a better idea.
* A fairly useless exercise that wastes a half hour of your time and produces results of dubious accuracy, and produces stress by asking asinine questions about stress and lifestyle. First of all, the samples drawn are kept at room temperature for several hours and probably not tested until the next day. This year, they came up with an A1C for me that was .4 higher than the last time the doc did it, and I predict next month it will be back down where it was before. However, if you don't get the screening done, you have to pay something on the order of $300/year more for insurance.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
Hey steady up guys ! The best, and the original, scenario/purpose for flu immunisation is for those whose immune system couldn't swat a fly for toffee, and of course it is optional regardless of where your personal locus of control lies ( b/w yourself and the doctor ). It is not the intent to save otherwise healthy people from an annoying week or so of symptoms. It is to avert a specific scenario confined to those would have an overwhelming secondary bacterial pneumonia when the respiratory linings are in the turmoil of a viral attack. This is the 'complication' that is often glossed over in discussion and is actually responsible for well over 90% of the deaths quoted. For those at risk it can go off like a landmine underfoot and once in progress it is rarely stoppable ( though we try ). At risk here means general poor health from advanced age, diabetes, prior airways disease etc. Quite a list.
Do remember relative risk here. So if you step off the curbing while to-ing and fro-ing the merits of flu shots, there is still the 10.15 bus from Doncaster about ! :-)
As for oral antiviral Rx for established infection : well they won't make things any medically worse ( not cheap though ! ), but outside of a narrow window of opportunity ( about 12 hours while the virus is spreading across the bronchial linings ) there is no anticipated benefit. However you'll hear no end of anecdotes to the contrary, the manufacturer knows ( like doctors ! ) that it is important to time your treatment to coincide with recovery. A tremendous business principle. Oooops. It'll be nothing but black helicopters for me for letting that sneak out. Squadrons of Apaches probably .... :-)
Interestingly the enormous death tolls, in the millions, from say the post WWI epidemics were due to the vast number who were susceptible ( at any age now ) from ill health all around. So if you live in a cold, wet dirty slum with little good food or safe drinking water, nor anyone to care for you if you stumble, if you already had TB, etc then watch out ! In these conditions just about any systemic infection, maybe starting as a viral gastro even, is an enormous risk. As usual the wealthy, well fed and leafy suburbs were barely touched. In that regard a good zombie epidemic is the ultimate socialist adjustment. Well, that and nukes. ;-0
There is a reasonable hypothesis floating about that jet air travel has altered the mutation rates, but this awaits actual proof. Highly plausible though. In cabin it would rarely be the little baby who won't shut up that should concern you here. But pity the sniffly adult passenger in seat 55B, he/she will die a hundred deaths from the rapidly constructed voodoo dolls of fellow travellers ! :-)
[ My particular reasons at 55 years old and in good health is unrelated to my absolute or relative risk of illness or death. It's my job. I use it to prevent being a vector to the at risk group. Thus same/same but different for those in likewise roles. ]
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Exactly as promised: =
Exactly as promised:
= = =
There! Today's today's clue everyone.
You are very very welcome :)
And so far, we have one guideline interpreter result:
Ooh - that looks grim... *troubled watery expression*
...hold on, there's more.
Oh well :)
We still have one pending....
Yes... well I did do that... although I suppose I should have read the whole manual first really...
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
I don't have the time at the
I don't have the time at the moment to analyze the clues, but I do think they are worth analysis.
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
RE: RE: BTW* : This, I
Oh I get flu shots all right. But the flu keeps mutating* and this year it has done quite a bit of that. Alas when people are ill they go and see their local doctor, typically when both are breathing. Viruses take unfair advantage of this human habit. This I think is the basic error I make in my job ( seeing sick people ). I usually dodge most bullets. This is why I like the movies The Omega Man and I am Legend, my blood has got to be worth bottling ! So I crawl into bed, or more accurately I fail to crawl out of it. At this point I graduate to The Man Flu. This is a key signal to my dear wife to go out & about for the day, shopping and visiting friends etc. She says she will be back at around 5pm, give or take, and if I'm still alive she may cook me a meal. I credit this as a Perfectly Rational Response. :-)
[ I ought make time to train my large dog to go to the fridge and bring back food and drink. He is a Golden Retriever after all. Perhaps some sort of pannier arrangement draped over the forequarters. My smaller dog - cross b/w a terrier and a sausage - already serves as hot water bottle. ]
Cheers, Mike.
[long technical aside]
* The virus multiplies via each cell that is infected. It hijacks the DNA photocopier that exists within for our purposes. Replication is not perfect. About one error per one billion DNA base pairs is typical. RNA replication is more imperfect. Anyway like a piece of paper that you feed the copy of back to the photocopier input, errors will creep in and be perpetuated. This is why our vaccines, being based upon the estimates of the top three variant near-future threats, can run out of relevance during production runs which are typically several months from specification to usable vaccine. That happened earlier this year and so much so that they completely restarted production ! About six weeks was lost on the usual southern hemisphere vaccination schedule. When winter did come the epidemic had an extra six weeks free of antiviral action from the vaccines.
Now while I still got the benefit of that second run, this year also had another factor : all major flu types were up in their activity in the community simultaneously. Usually they don't peak at around the same times.
There is nothing terrible about this. Don't blame the weather/climate, the CIA, The Illuminati, pigs, ducks, the Chinese or the Democrats. It just happens from time to time and gives us these types of flu seasons. This was happening in the olden days too, and for reasons rather more bland than the usual Area 51 narratives. However there are more DNA photocopiers on the planet, and rapid air travel to distribute the results. Get on a plane in Heathrow and you can be pretty much anywhere in 36 hours which is well under the relevant incubation period. Influenza is the ultimate frequent flyer. Now in Captain Cook's day it could get on a ship in Portsmouth and take two years to reach Sydney. On ship the virus would one way or another easily run out of susceptibles by then.
[/long technical aside]
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
When I was in my 30's I took
When I was in my 30's I took the offer of a free flu jab from those *shudder* nice occupational health people at work, you know, the ones that have as much knowledge as a hospital orderly and behave like a District Nurse. I then proceeded to have the worst case of flu in my life and was off work for 3 days. Never ever again. My GP's practice moans like hell every year at me because of my age and the fact that I refuse one. But as I say to them, look if I take to my sick bed for a week, are you coming round to look after me?
I know the theory of how they are supposed to work, they give you a mild dose of flu to build up your resistance to a real dose which could be serious. The only serious one I remember was the 1957 pandemic of Asian flu, although we apparently have things now called Avian Influenza A (H7N9).
Of course man Flu exists - ask any man, there you are, proof enough for anyone!
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
I hear you Chris. Got a flu
I hear you Chris. Got a flu shot once and promptly got sick. It was a freeby.
Now I take my chances.
Do I win?
Pluto will always be a Planet to me.
Hiyah Uli :-) In lifes
Hiyah Uli :-)
In lifes gamble you win handsomely, not sure about here though!
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: Hiyah Uli :-) In lifes
The US has about 300 million people in it, of those about 30 THOUSAND die every year from the flu or its complications. If ALL of those people got a flu shot somewhere near 85% of those people would NOT die. The flu shot is not perfect but what it is supposed to do is give you some immunity from the FULL BLOWN flu so we only get the minor side affect stuff. After all it's not usually one thing that kills us, it's the accumulation of stuff that finally does us in. Even in a heart attack there was some underlying cause of it, ie eating poorly that caused the blood supply to slow down or even stop etc, etc. The flu is the same way, it reduces the bodies ability to fight off all the other things that go along with it.
There ARE some people who should NEVER get a fly shot though, people with egg allergies are just one of those groups. As are those who have had severe reactions to previous flu shots, those people need to have a conversation about what is different NOW then when they got sick THEN with their Doctor, and decide what is best for them.
All that being said NO ONE is getting out of this Life alive, we ALL have to die of something, that's just the way it is.
RE: those people need to
I think I might challenge that! I know what's best for me. On occasions I might call in a doctor to confirm what I think anyway with a few tests. There will be a "no re-sus" notice above my bed I can assure you of that. If I don't put one there, someone else will!! When it's time I'm marching out of this life on my terms, nobody elses.
So, stuff your flu jabs!
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: This is why our
That happened here last winter too, and they're worried it might again this year.
I got a flu shot at work once and very promptly got the flu. Refused the shot for years after that. Got sick some years, some not. Finally let my doctor talk me into it a few years ago (mainly out of fear of getting the flu and giving it to my ailing mother; it would have finished her off even sooner) and haven't been sick since. Last year, they offered a shot along with the wellness screening* at work and I got it. This year, they said the shot wasn't ready yet (due to concern over getting it right this time), but just go to a screening at another building and they'll have it there. I think I'll wait until I see the doc next month.
Meanwhile, I am deeply regretting seeing a podiatrist. My right foot was a tad sore and tight on the bottom. Now it's tight in the Achilles as well as the bottom, and ranges from uncomfortable to extreme pain no matter whether I'm wearing my old, medium-aged steel toed, or new shoes, any of them with or without the custom orthotics, or nothing at all, and walking, standing, or sitting. Actually, some sitting positions are the most painful.
All right now, let's get a bit more work done before lunch. Or, perhaps, go to the euphemism. Yes, that sounds like a better idea.
* A fairly useless exercise that wastes a half hour of your time and produces results of dubious accuracy, and produces stress by asking asinine questions about stress and lifestyle. First of all, the samples drawn are kept at room temperature for several hours and probably not tested until the next day. This year, they came up with an A1C for me that was .4 higher than the last time the doc did it, and I predict next month it will be back down where it was before. However, if you don't get the screening done, you have to pay something on the order of $300/year more for insurance.
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
Hey steady up guys ! The
Hey steady up guys ! The best, and the original, scenario/purpose for flu immunisation is for those whose immune system couldn't swat a fly for toffee, and of course it is optional regardless of where your personal locus of control lies ( b/w yourself and the doctor ). It is not the intent to save otherwise healthy people from an annoying week or so of symptoms. It is to avert a specific scenario confined to those would have an overwhelming secondary bacterial pneumonia when the respiratory linings are in the turmoil of a viral attack. This is the 'complication' that is often glossed over in discussion and is actually responsible for well over 90% of the deaths quoted. For those at risk it can go off like a landmine underfoot and once in progress it is rarely stoppable ( though we try ). At risk here means general poor health from advanced age, diabetes, prior airways disease etc. Quite a list.
Do remember relative risk here. So if you step off the curbing while to-ing and fro-ing the merits of flu shots, there is still the 10.15 bus from Doncaster about ! :-)
As for oral antiviral Rx for established infection : well they won't make things any medically worse ( not cheap though ! ), but outside of a narrow window of opportunity ( about 12 hours while the virus is spreading across the bronchial linings ) there is no anticipated benefit. However you'll hear no end of anecdotes to the contrary, the manufacturer knows ( like doctors ! ) that it is important to time your treatment to coincide with recovery. A tremendous business principle. Oooops. It'll be nothing but black helicopters for me for letting that sneak out. Squadrons of Apaches probably .... :-)
Interestingly the enormous death tolls, in the millions, from say the post WWI epidemics were due to the vast number who were susceptible ( at any age now ) from ill health all around. So if you live in a cold, wet dirty slum with little good food or safe drinking water, nor anyone to care for you if you stumble, if you already had TB, etc then watch out ! In these conditions just about any systemic infection, maybe starting as a viral gastro even, is an enormous risk. As usual the wealthy, well fed and leafy suburbs were barely touched. In that regard a good zombie epidemic is the ultimate socialist adjustment. Well, that and nukes. ;-0
There is a reasonable hypothesis floating about that jet air travel has altered the mutation rates, but this awaits actual proof. Highly plausible though. In cabin it would rarely be the little baby who won't shut up that should concern you here. But pity the sniffly adult passenger in seat 55B, he/she will die a hundred deaths from the rapidly constructed voodoo dolls of fellow travellers ! :-)
[ My particular reasons at 55 years old and in good health is unrelated to my absolute or relative risk of illness or death. It's my job. I use it to prevent being a vector to the at risk group. Thus same/same but different for those in likewise roles. ]
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal