Cafe Einstein: LPTP # X V

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RE: RE: Pretty non

Pretty non eventful for both in the end, not saying they weren't worth watching though.

Well the Kentucky Derby was a real close race and this is not just your average horse race (I have never bet on one in my life but I still watch)

I have never been to the Derby but betting on horses is something I have done before, it's ALOT of fun when you win!!! Not quite so much when you lose though :-( I have NEVER gotten to the point though where I felt comfortable enough to plop down one hundred dollars or more on a single pick though! Nor to be honest have I won a hundred dollars on one pick before!! I have walked away after an days fun though with being more than a hundred dollars ahead of where I started. Most tracks have multiple races per day, so betting on each and getting a bunch right is how you win slow but steady. I never made enough to make a career out of it, but did learn a bunch of the tricks to look for while doing it. I quit doing it over 20 years ago now, but as I said it was fun doing the work needed to find the right ones to bet on. There's alot of math involved, simple stuff though.

Phil said:
"Seriously, I could wolf a couple down.

Boo, Hiss. Throws rotten tomato."

Rabbits are okay to eat, there just isn't alot of meat on them so you have to each a bunch to have a meal, good thing they're very prolific! I guess that's why cows are eaten more often!

Oh and I am WINNING!!!

David S
David S
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The replica funeral car is

The replica funeral car is built not only to meet modern railroad standards but also to meet the requirements of being a truck trailer on the highway. A crane lifts it up and they remove the rail wheels, then attach a tongue at one end and a set of truck wheels at the other. Running underneath are air lines for both purposes (it would not have had air brakes in 1865, but certain allowances had to be made to run it on the US rail network). A fascinating process, if you like that kind of thing.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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Looking for Dr. Mike... Is

Looking for Dr. Mike...

Is there no security? No receptionist? No nurse?

Oh dear, this would seem to constitute a double post on my part. Sorry, but it couldn't wait.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Nice one. I hadn't seen that

Nice one. I hadn't seen that ( I don't watch Aussie news channels, or free-to-air TV generally : they are full of inaccurate nonsense ). It can be surprising to see how mobile they are. They have been recorded successfully crossing freeways for instance. They are normally portrayed in static poses, eating leaves etc. It looks like he has snuck into the emergency department entrance. Out west ( I think it is Horsham ) there is little need for security. In any case he would be well under people's eyelines.

A gag we have with OS visitors is to tell them to watch out for the 'drop bears', these being the night-time version of koalas which have transformed to a carnivorous predatory state. They literally drop on the neck of unsuspecting bush walkers and gouge their throats. The cuddly daytime herbivorous postures are a clever ruse that Darwin would be proud of. I reckon this one possibly caught a whiff of blood on the wind emanating from the facility and thought there might be a chance of meat.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Good morning! I did not

Good morning!

I did not know koalas ate meat, but I guess it makes sense.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Good morning! I did


Good morning!

I did not know koalas ate meat, but I guess it makes sense.


A gag we have with OS visitors is to tell them ......


Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

David S
David S
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RE: RE: Good morning! I


Good morning!

I did not know koalas ate meat, but I guess it makes sense.


A gag we have with OS visitors is to tell them ......


Cheers, Mike.

Eh heh heh heh.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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My leg is long enough

My leg is long enough thanks...

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Good morning!

Good morning!

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