Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
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RE: RE: * In an historic

* In an historic mixup during the Kokoda Campaign of '43 they were assigned the label of 'bushmaster' for their skills.

Rather different to the secret Underground Reserve Beer Airborne Division Two (URBAD2) who during the Coco Cola wars of '87 were called the Budweiser for their knowledge of wild flowers. They also gave no quarter if anyone pinched their beer.

LOL. This whole 'special ops' area of military beverage assaults has been long misunderstood IMHO.

Well done for raising $800 AUD

Thanks very much for putting in. One reason I especially like this mob is not simply the target/aims but their admin overhead is ~3% ( a yearly independent audit yields this number ). Sadly about another 12% is consumed with legal, regulatory, insurance and taxation costs/crap. In this Age Of Litigation charities* have become bags of money to take from rather than ones to add to, but protection against that comes with cost. So about 85 cents per $1 goes direct to research and patient support. This is a stunning efficiency for any corporation and very laudable compared to others I know that pay alot to lobbyists/consultants/management with uncertain or unmeasured outcome. So I support the likes that do rather than those that tell you what they're gonna do. I also subscribe to CanTeen ie. for teenagers with cancer - and most of those have a blood cancer - that targets funds especially well. I say these things not to beat my own drum but to advise people to check that aspect if you want to. Alas it is a sad fact of human nature, but there is no shortage of those that may try to cynically use other's ill health for personal gain ( including some of my profession ). Which degrades the general effectiveness of charities by placing uncertainty in the minds of the potential giver.

Cheers, Mike.

* This era dawned in the late 80's when the Red Cross Blood Bank was multiply sued for failing to predict earlier in the decade - and therefore warn about - the future rise of a virus known as HIV. By exactly this sort of logic we ought be suing NASA for the next solar coronal mass ejection, and all I would have to assert is that had I been warned I would have ( as you do ) dug a ruddy great hole to hide in.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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*cough* admin fees *cough*

*cough* admin fees *cough*

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
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Yeah that's a

Yeah that's a squirrelly/overused phrase for sure. Was Bear Sterns' insurance premiums - those betting against the products they sold - an 'admin fee' ? :-)

Who came up with the Credit Default Swap phrasing anyway. It's a bit like a vet pronouncing that your horse has a Transluminal Fluid Exchange Scenario instead of just saying 'diarrhoea which will kill it shortly'.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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I never donate to the "Big"

I never donate to the "Big" charities, only the smaller ones.



Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Dr Bacon (Ship My Plants Department)
Dr Bacon (Ship ...
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RE: Transluminal Fluid

Transluminal Fluid Exchange Scenario

That's so much more pleasant than saying "I came down with a case of the screaming squits" :)

Annie minion :)



Einstein@Home Verified Contributor (I think?) 

Chris S
Chris S
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That's along the lines of

That's along the lines of saying "I'm not a dustman, I'm a refuse disposal officer" :-)

It's all part of this drive to "modernise" institutions. Take the Marriage Guidance Bureau, everybody knew what it was and what it did from the name. In the late 80's they renamed it to Relate. Now nobody would think to go there for their problems. Another case was with jobs. Back in the 60's under age 21 you had the Youth Employment Bureau, for adults you had the Employment Exchange (formerly the Labour Exchange). In the mid 70's they wanted to lose the cloth cap image and renamed themselves Job Centres, now Job Centres Plus. *

Anyone remember British Steel? Pretty obvious who they were and what they did. It was privatised in the 80's and became Corus in 1999 (part of the Corus group). Tata Steel from India took it over in 2007, and later it was renamed again to Tata Steel Europe. You want to buy steel made in Britain? Where do you go? Port Talbot still produces it.

* In the 1990s, the Jobcentres reinforced a dress code which required male staff to wear ties. The code was later held to be in breach of the Sex Discrimination Act. A point I made earlier!!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now





Still some building work on the bar and bistro to go I think peoples... and I admit I've let myself go a bit since seti went down...

but the soup kitchen is up and running :) except there's no soup nor are there any bowls *smile at everyone like it doesn't matter*

This very funny :~))) but I strangle on breakfast from reading :~#

Work swing shift this week, from graveyard more usual so today I read thread. Here for science. Hope improve English from boards together at same time. :~)

I can ask here? Reprobate? In dictionary (here it is insult. So I try for modern (alternate intention) in urban dictionary, and it worse. Is okay I use this word?

Thank you.

Very happy with project :~) Thank you

(I read word here -

edit for trying to make clicking links ????

maybe this time it work?

Yes :-)

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
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RE: Reprobate is an

Reprobate is an insult

The dictionary also says that reprobate = a rogue or a rascal.

Good morning Mike, you little reprobate you :-))

In the tense that I used it meant a mischievous imp or a cheeky youngster. A nuance of the English language, and I am sure Mike wasn't offended.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now


RE: RE: Reprobate is an

Reprobate is an insult

The dictionary also says that reprobate = a rogue or a rascal.

Thank you. I look for these on linked page. There number 2's I think (for children and dogs) in list.

Good morning Mike, you little reprobate you :-))

In the tense that I used it meant a mischievous imp or a cheeky youngster. A nuance of the English language, and I am sure Mike wasn't offended.

I see this. Thank you for help. I use now and not concern. :~)


RE: Thank you for help. I

Thank you for help. I use now and not concern. :~)

Try keep your face out of punching distance then, brother :-) Seriously. If insults is how male bonding is done in their/your culture, you might get away with it, with close friends, maybe.

Either ways, good luck. Dictionary won't steer you too wrong - except maybe "strangle". "Choke" (on food/breakfast) is the more usual way to say it. :-)

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