Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein


RE: RE: RE: Douglas

Douglas Dakota

Translation for the US folk--a DC-3 or C-47, or any of the less numerous derivatives or less used designations (Skytrain, R4D, C-53, C-117...), but particularly military variants used in RAF service.

Well there you go ! I'd thought the Dakota moniker was the preferred US designation ... :-)

Yes what a lovely 'thrumming' sound it is that a group of harmonised radials make. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

Many years ago at the conclusion of a local airshow I hoped a ride on a B-25 from Melboutne, Fl to Titusville. As we taxied out to the active runway I thought that plane was going to shake itself to pieces. Once cleared for take off those engines purred as we rolled down the runway. I was impressed with the acceleration produced by the two engines and how smooth the take off roll was. Flying was smooth also, but when we started the landing sequence I felt that the plane had all the flight characteristics of an anvil. It seemed to just drop out of the sky. Quite an experience. Quite and aircraft.

Chris S
Chris S
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First of all, we in Europe

First of all, we in Europe know full well that 99% of flat pack, assemble it yourself stuff, is sourced from the Far East. Yes that place, that used to be known as the shores of far Cathay. These days they are just sweat shops. They will make a self assembly wardrobe for £20, paying their workers £10. In the West you will pay £100 for it after the importers have taken their cut

Then comes the fun bit! The instructions will be in pidgin English and most illustrations will be flipped anyway. There won't be 37 pieces of Item No.5, you'll be lucky to find 2 dozen. It won't all fit properly anyway.

The first thing you do is tear up the instructions, and throw them away. Then you look at what it is supposed to be like when it is assembled, and use your intelligence to do the best you can with the crap supplied, and a full set of tools supplied by yourself.

Nothing will change because too many middlemen are making too much money.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Joined: 26 Nov 13
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Ok, who forgot to set up the

Ok, who forgot to set up the Christmas tree in the corner??

That's ok, I'll take care of it...

(drags Christmas tree in and sets it up AWAY from the fire place)

Don't want a repeat of last year with the eggnog and fireplace..(still cleaning up the ashes from under the rugs)

Now where did we put the decorations? Or wasn't there any left after the fire brigade got done putting out the fire??

Hmm..I'll figure something out...

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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OOOOps. My bad. I wuz busy

OOOOps. My bad. I wuz busy watching fireworks and stuff ....

Naughty, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
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It's OK I found some in the

It's OK I found some in the cellar.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Joined: 26 Nov 13
Posts: 3117
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Very nice, now we need to get

Very nice, now we need to get the Eggnog going before the fog pins us down

Chris S
Chris S
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If you can find some eggs,

If you can find some eggs, I'll try and rustle up a nog or two :-)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Joined: 8 Sep 06
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RE: If you can find some

If you can find some eggs, I'll try and rustle up a nog or two :-)

Here's a Nog. :-)


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
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OK, I won't ring this chap

OK, I won't ring this chap then ...

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
Posts: 2469
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I didn't ring him, but this

I didn't ring him, but this came to mind

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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