When do we get S5 data?

Sven Glueckspilz
Sven Glueckspilz
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Topic 190396

How much work is to do by S4 data and when we start with the S5 data?

Ben Owen
Ben Owen
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When do we get S5 data?


We've probably got several months of crunching left on S4 data. Before too long you'll be seeing a new type of S4 work units which are basically analyzing longer stretches of data. (Don't worry, the individual work units will take about the same time to crunch as they do now.)

We really want to analyze longer stretches of data, but this requires some extra tricks. Some of them are associated with practical problems of not inflating the work units and killing everyone's machines when they run the screensaver. More fundamental is the fact that we have to start taking into account the intrinsic frequency drift of the source. Rather, all possible frequency drifts measurable in whatever time a data stretch lasts. This presents a tricky mathematical problem. We think we've solved most of it, but there is still some trouble with the validator and Linux machines. (My Linux machine, actually.)

Once that is sorted out (which will be soon), you'll be getting these new-style S4 work units for a few months. If all goes well, we should be shipping out S5 work units around the middle of next year. (S5 just started a few weeks ago, and it takes a lot of work to clean up the data, pick out the good stretches, and cut them into work unit-sized pieces.)

Hope this helps,

Sven Glueckspilz
Sven Glueckspilz
Joined: 18 Mar 05
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Thanks for the answer! You

Thanks for the answer! You make a very good job!

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