Unable to download new WU's

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Yeah Paul........I tried

Yeah Paul........I tried telepathy and it didn't work

Like I said this never happened to this machine before no matter if LHC was out of work or not.

It still would load all the Einsteins I wanted.

And this is the only one running the version where you can "suspend" one without suspending all of them. (well in my house anyway)

......and I thought quantum telepathy would work too

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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Though I have noticed off and

Though I have noticed off and on that at times I would not seem to have the "mix" of work I would expect, I don't think I ever saw more than once or twice where I flat got "stuck" like described by people.

Of course, I also run more than 2 projects on all computers (4-7 is the range).

R L Reynolds
R L Reynolds
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I suspended Seti and no

Message 21111 in response to message 21108

I suspended Seti and no Einstein WU downloaded. I have done everything but detach SETI. I did an abort and suspend with a SETI WU hung up in upload and to my suprise the upload sent and I got credit. I still have over a day of E@H WUs so the computer is working on data. I guess if I run out and have still had no new WUs I should reset?

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RE: if I run out and have

Message 21112 in response to message 21111

if I run out and have still had no new WUs I should reset?

Please, NO!

Reset solves nothing in this case (or most others), unless you fall in a very narrow band of conditions... it adds unnecessarily to the load on the server, and can create many new problems on your end.

To even begin to answer why you are not getting Einstein work, we must know: how many projects are you attached to (and which ones), what are their resource shares, what is your cache (connect-to-every) setting, how many results from each project you have present and their statuses, and, when you select Einstein in the Projects tab and hit "update", what is the message you get in the Messages tab?

If the message is "not requesting new work", then 999:1 there is no problem, and it will all "fix" itself if you leave it alone. If it's gone on for a long period of time, then we'd start looking at Long Term Debts for the various projects.

Summary: You have work from _somewhere_, so it probably ain't broke, so it's much better not to try to fix it. If you're concerned it's not behaving as you expect, give us all the info you can, and we'll explain why it's doing what it's doing, or, if it really _is_ broke, help you solve the problem.

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I had the same problem with

I had the same problem with Einstein, that I wouldn't get new work. But as indicated this was related to SETI not being able to connect and therefore a whole bunch of SETI WUs trying to upload with no success.

Suspending SETI for a minute , then updating Einstein did the trick, 4 Einstein workunits were downloaded immediately and the machine is now crunching again.

John Cropper
John Cropper
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Gang: Suspending will only

Message 21114 in response to message 21113


Suspending will only upset the balance (debt) situation from BOINC's perspective (client, not the server).

Highlight SETI and click NO NEW WORK button. Your machine should still continue to contact SETI to (try to) report WUs, but should also be grabbing work from here.

Worked on both of my boxes just prior to them running out of SETI work and when they did, both transitioned to Einstein without so much as a complaint.

Stewie: So, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

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RE: Suspending will only

Message 21115 in response to message 21114


Suspending will only upset the balance (debt) situation from BOINC's perspective (client, not the server).

Highlight SETI and click NO NEW WORK button. Your machine should still continue to contact SETI to (try to) report WUs, but should also be grabbing work from here.

NNW is not adequate if you have SETI work stuck in "downloading" status. Only Suspend will work. SETI must be removed from the scheduler's calculations completely. Einstein folks have been talking with JMVII about how to resolve this in future releases.

R L Reynolds
R L Reynolds
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I am attached to Set and

Message 21116 in response to message 21112

I am attached to Set and Einstein I do not understand resource
shares, Right now I am Seti 100 (33.33%) and Einstein 200 (66.67%) That was in the example on the preference page. I would not mind giving Einstein more like 75% . . I want most of the time to go to Einstein with Seti as a secondary. At first I had cache set more than one time a day (5 times?) I do not know why I did that I reset to every 10 days about a month or so ago and everything went ok 'till Seti went on the blink. All the work units ran in order by time. Einstein then Seti. The last 3 Seti WUs hung up in upload but it seems all got in and credited.
"statuses:", As of 02:53 12/11/2005
Einstein: Running [1 WU 3:02 to complete 5 WUs 7:39:24 to complete each ready to run
Seti: no WUs was suspended back now with "no new work"
No other projects attached
When I select Einstein in the Projects tab and hit "update", the message I get in the
Messages tab:
12/11/2005 2:53:38 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
12/11/2005 2:53:38 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
12/11/2005 2:53:39 PM|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi
12/11/2005 2:53:39 PM|Einstein@Home|Requesting 0 seconds of work, returning 0 results
12/11/2005 2:53:40 PM|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi succeeded
12/11/2005 2:53:41 PM|Einstein@Home|Deferring communication with project for 1 minutes and 0 seconds
After that I did something in my bubbling around. I got 8 WUs report date 12/25/2005. I do not know if I did something or it would have happened anyway
I have had my computer for 12 years and used a computer at work for 10 years. 9 years of revenue protection, ship @ receive and 1 year of science data processing set up. Seems like I know less about computers now than I did when I got my computer (to learn more about computers !?!?.) Sorry I ask Ignorant questions. I do not know anything
What should my preferences settings be for me and my machine? I will set that then leave it alone 'till I know more so I do not do anything (more) wrong.
CPU type AuthenticAMD
AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 2800+
Number of CPUs 1
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition, Service Pack 2, (05.01.2600.00)
Memory 2015.48 MB
Cache 976.56 KB
Swap space 2630.73 MB
Total disk space 76.69 GB
Free Disk Space 69.28 GB
Measured floating point speed 1451.13 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 2642.98 million ops/sec
Average upload rate 0.98 KB/sec

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RE: I am attached to Set

Message 21117 in response to message 21116

I am attached to Set and Einstein I do not understand resource
shares, Right now I am Seti 100 (33.33%) and Einstein 200 (66.67%) That was in the example on the preference page. I would not mind giving Einstein more like 75% . . I want most of the time to go to Einstein with Seti as a secondary.

The resource shares are just added up and divided by the total. If you want Einstein at 75%, just raise it to 300, leaving SETI at 100. 300:100 = 75:25.

At first I had cache set more than one time a day (5 times?) I do not know why I did that I reset to every 10 days about a month or so ago and everything went ok 'till Seti went on the blink. All the work units ran in order by time. Einstein then Seti. The last 3 Seti WUs hung up in upload but it seems all got in and credited.

The maximum cache setting to avoid "earliest deadline first" is, for two projects, 1/2 the shortest deadline, or in this case, 7 days. I would strongly recommend less than that, somewhere under 4 days. I use 0.25 or 0.5... you don't want to change _too_ much, too quickly however.

"statuses:", As of 02:53 12/11/2005
Einstein: Running [1 WU 3:02 to complete 5 WUs 7:39:24 to complete each ready to run
Seti: no WUs was suspended back now with "no new work"
No other projects attached
When I select Einstein in the Projects tab and hit "update", the message I get in the
Messages tab:
12/11/2005 2:53:38 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
12/11/2005 2:53:38 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
12/11/2005 2:53:39 PM|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi
12/11/2005 2:53:39 PM|Einstein@Home|Requesting 0 seconds of work, returning 0 results
12/11/2005 2:53:40 PM|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi succeeded
12/11/2005 2:53:41 PM|Einstein@Home|Deferring communication with project for 1 minutes and 0 seconds

The "requesting 0 seconds" says that BOINC thinks you have plenty of work on hand - if you have SETI work stuck in "downloading" status, that can be messing things up.

After that I did something in my bubbling around. I got 8 WUs report date 12/25/2005. I do not know if I did something or it would have happened anyway

If you suspended SETI, then Einstein was the only project the scheduler was looking at, so it got you "x" days of work for Einstein.

I have had my computer for 12 years and used a computer at work for 10 years. 9 years of revenue protection, ship @ receive and 1 year of science data processing set up. Seems like I know less about computers now than I did when I got my computer (to learn more about computers !?!?.) Sorry I ask Ignorant questions. I do not know anything

We ALL know less and less about computers as each year goes by! :-) All I can say is that I'm sure you know quite a bit more about them than someone who buys one today would know, and quite a bit less than the average 8-yr-old, who seem to absorb computer knowledge in their sleep...

What should my preferences settings be for me and my machine? I will set that then leave it alone 'till I know more so I do not do anything (more) wrong.

Your computer is a good "midrange" machine - not top-of-the line for crunching, but far from "slow". The only preference I would be worried about is the cache size, which is adjusted for your CPU speed anyway. That needs to be lowered, at least down to 3 or 4 days. After you do that, it will take about a week for your computer to work off the load it currently has, and to get back to "round robin" scheduling, sharing things the way you expect.

If you have work in "downloading" status from SETI, you may want to Suspend SETI until that project is back to normal, but this shouldn't matter in your case until/unless you run completely out of Einstein work.

Any other questions, feel free to ask!

R L Reynolds
R L Reynolds
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Went from "unable" to too

Message 21118 in response to message 21117

Went from "unable" to too many. Unless I did a click on the wrong button, which is possible, I thought I had "no new work" selected from Seti but I got new work anyway (4 WUs). Is that possible? The Seti WUs are due 27 DEC so I do not think they were hung up in download from last week. "Work" tab tells me I have 123 hours of E@H the only work to get while Seti was down so I didn't want more Seti for a while 'till E@H worked down some. Also I noticed E@H WUs in "work" tab say they are between an hour and two hours longer than they were before. Are they really longer or is that something to do with benchmark reset or something else. I am interested in helping the project but there is so much I do not know or understand so I have to ask dumb questions. It's the only way I will learn. Sorry

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