Techpowerup GPU-Z showing no usage

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Topic 198222

I just noticed this last night both poem and Einstein [gpu] the task are running but the GPU is zero and the progress is not doing anything . I have restarted a couple of times . and at one point it started working . any ideas ??

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Techpowerup GPU-Z showing no usage

Try updating GPU-Z.


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my work units are not

my work units are not progressing but the clock is running . I went to the newest GPUZ and now backed off to older gpuz . still no usage - I just updated Boinc tho . anyone have any issues with the new boinc download ? even the gpu s speed is low [ idling ]

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OK I think I found the

OK I think I found the problem !! I downloaded the new Boinc with VM . [ the big download LOL ] the Einstein units did not want to restart . I suspended it and Poem started up Gpu went normal . I am resetting Einstein and I bet a nickle it will run fine . if not I will post .

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You might also use sensors of

You might also use sensors of HWiNFO ( to check your GPU status.
But it happens sometimes to me, that various tasks became stuck and I need to restart them.

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that was it . btw even in the

that was it . btw even in the gpu setup gpu usage was nill

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I just caught a poem@home

I just caught a poem@home hung up . not so sure I found it

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