Spot the New CPU Application einstein_O1Spot1THi

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How are the Lo- and

How are the Lo- and Hi-frequency tasks shared between different kind of computers? A couple of my hosts that previously received Hi's and completed them in quite normal time (8,5 hours) now seem to be eligible only to Lo's and scheduler says they are not available at the moment.

edit: Ooops, never mind. I interpreted wrongly the scheduler message... and now that host received also some Hi-freq work.

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First 2 new Gravity Waves

First 2 new Gravity Waves have finished 7 hours 45 minutes.  Now to see if they validate.

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I've completed 2 in about 5.5

I've completed 2 in about 5.5 hrs each, they show no wingmen have been assigned yet. I shall crunch on.

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No wingmen assigned yet, I'll

No wingmen assigned yet, I'll check in the AM.

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I've completed several units

I've completed several units and for some of them the wingmen has also finished but validation is not done:

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Yes the validators for both

Yes the validators for both apps are disabled see server status

edit: this actually makes sense, as the tuning probably involves getting the validator tuned as well, and having a fresh set of results on Monday morning to munch through would help that.

Christian Beer wrote:
Let's just say: that's why we do testruns.

I quite enjoy the testrun process of a new application - especially when its .... gravity wave data.  


Christian Beer
Christian Beer
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Validators are still disabled

Validators are still disabled because I want to check first if everything works fine. I have more time for this on Monday.

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I've completed 7 now and two

I've completed 7 now and two have been assigned wingmen, slowly we go forward. 

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I have now processed 19 and

I have now processed 19 and still only 2 have been assigned wingmen, at least 1 has reported back. That seems strange more of them haven't found wingmen.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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It's not really unusual to

It's not really unusual to see this at the start of new GW searches.  There is a wide range of frequencies to cover so hosts are spread rather thinly at first.  Eventually, each frequency bin will get more hosts added to it and things will improve.



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