
Ernesto Solis
Ernesto Solis
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RE: RE: Mark, is thier

Message 28191 in response to message 28190

Mark, is thier any literature or diagrams on this anywhere?
Ernie S

The idea of strings is deceptively simple, and as a consequence inadvertently broad.
Essentially one imagines a curve within a space of some number of dimensions. This curve is 'linear', meaning that one can use a single number/parameter to identify a point on it uniquely. Mathematically the points on the curve are a function of the co-ordinates of the enclosing space, but there is redundancy - so that one can re-express each of the co-ordinates as a function of a single common parameter. This parameter could be thought of as the distance along the curve from start to finish.
Immediately this suggests two types of strings - open and closed.
The open ones have the start and finish points non-identical, so the ends are 'free'.
The closed ones have the start and finish points identical, so we have a 'loop'. Restating this in math terms : the functions for the co-ordinates of the points on the string have the characteristic that they are cyclic for the single common parameter ( the functional value is identical for any given parameter value when compared to that same parameter value plus a multiple of some 'period' ).
Either type of string has certain requirements placed on it's describing functions, so as to satisfy general ideas of symmetry, conservation laws, relativity etc ..... that we believe should be obeyed.
I like to think of strings as objects which 'store' characteristics like energy. One 'postdiction' of string theory is the numbers of dimensions for the enclosing space. Roughly this reflects the fact that if you want to represent several independent qualities for a given string ( energy/mass, charge, some other 'quantum' numbers..... ) then it must have the ability to 'wiggle' in a certain minimum number of independent directions. That way it can keep separate the information about it's internal state in different 'modes' or 'slots'.
Anyhows there are many, many ways to satisfy what we know strings should do based on current constraints for their design. This has been embarassing in that our universe seems to be only one of a humungous number of possiblities, and as yet there is no selection principle or extra concept to hone the theory down to even any 'nearby' variant. It needs one ( or more ) of these to allow calculations to proceed to testable numbers.
So, in answer to the original question the answer is : maybe.... :-)
Cheers, Mike.

Recieving the gift of knowledge and wisdom from all of you fills my
heart with boundless gratitude.
Thank You and God Bless you all
Ernie S
Team Art Bell

Ernesto Solis
Ernesto Solis
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Two more questions for

Two more questions for crunchers.
From Pt. 3 of The Elegant Universe.

SAVAS DIMOPOULOS: Consider a pool table, a very large pool table. Think of the surface of the pool table as representing our three-dimensional universe, although it is just two-dimensional, and think of the billiard balls as representing atoms and other particles that the universe is made out of.

BRIAN GREENE: So here's the wild idea: the atoms and particles that make up stuff in the world around us will stay on our particular membrane, our slice of the universe just as the billiard balls will stay on the surface of the pool tableâ??unless you're a really bad pool player.

But whenever the balls collide, there is something that always seeps off the table, sound waves. That's why I can hear the collision. Now, the idea is that gravity might be like the sound waves, it might not be confined to our membrane. It might be able to seep off our part of the universe.

Question 1) Wind can effect a sound wave! Can thier be a force that effects the
gravitons journey as it leaves our Universe membrane?

For years, we concentrated on strings that were closed loops, like rubber bands. But after M-theory, we turned our attention to other kinds. Now we think that everything we see around us, like matter and light, is made of open-ended strings, and the ends of each string are tied down to our three-dimensional membrane.

But closed loops of string do exist, and one kind is responsible for gravity. It's called a graviton. With closed loops, there are no loose ends to tie down, so gravitons are free to escape into the other dimensions, diluting the strength of gravity and making it seem weaker than the other forces of nature.

Question 2) If Matter = grounded strings
and gravity= looped strings
What are the other kinds of looped strings? What else leaves our Membrane?

Always an honor to learn from my fellow crunchers!
Thank you
Ernie S
God Bless

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Ernesto: Super Symmetry is

Super Symmetry is missing. SS is the idea that half integer spin objects (Fermions) can mix and interact with integer spin objects (Bosons). This in turn implies a list of as yet unobserved objects (such as gravitino, Wino, Zino, photino, gluino, higgsino, squarks & sleptons). In string theory these objects extend and complicate the theory in much the same way point particle theories are extended and complicated by electro-magnetic and gravitational fields.

Johnny C
Johnny C
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Could it be that

Could it be that open-ended/grounded strings are really closed-ended strings stuck partially on our side of a membrane? Much like a 3 dimensional sphere would appear as a circle if it were stuck partially in a 2 dimensional world?

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RE: Could it be that

Message 28195 in response to message 28194

Could it be that open-ended/grounded strings are really closed-ended strings stuck partially on our side of a membrane? Much like a 3 dimensional sphere would appear as a circle if it were stuck partially in a 2 dimensional world?

Not for the general case, the strings are strictly two dimensional and minimal in the embedding space. Only the ends are embedded in the brane, the rest of the string is free to move any in the embedding space.
There are some special cases that fit into fewer dimensions

Ernesto Solis
Ernesto Solis
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RE: RE: Could it be that

Message 28196 in response to message 28195

Could it be that open-ended/grounded strings are really closed-ended strings stuck partially on our side of a membrane? Much like a 3 dimensional sphere would appear as a circle if it were stuck partially in a 2 dimensional world?

Not for the general case, the strings are strictly two dimensional and minimal in the embedding space. Only the ends are embedded in the brane, the rest of the string is free to move any in the embedding space.
There are some special cases that fit into fewer dimensions

Mark & Johnny
Thanks for your replys!
Are strings contained in 6 dimensions?
Is the model a guess?
In the Elegant Universe pt. 2 Kaluzas model suggest this:

This idea that extra dimensions exist all around us lies at the heart of string theory. In fact the mathematics of string theory demand not one, but six extra dimensions, twisted and curled into complex little shapes that might look something like this.

Ernie S
Team Art Bell
God Bless

Ernesto Solis
Ernesto Solis
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Are their any similarities

Are their any similarities between the way strings
in (string theory) are tied down to our universe
membrane and the white magnetic field lines (or sunspots) connected to the suns magnetic carpet?

Another question to add to the original!

While white magnetic field lines have a positive & negative polarity.
How is Electro/Magnatism (polarity) associated with strings? (grounded)

Always an honor to ask my fellow crunchers!
Ernie S
Team Art Bell
God Bless

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RE: How is

How is Electro/Magnatism (polarity) associated with strings? (grounded)

So far there is no direct connection between String Theory and Electro/Magnetism (or any other physically tested theory).
It should be kept in mind that if ST describes our universe it probably does so in the domain of Plank dimensions. All tested theories work at much larger scales and would reflect some form of composite behavior of the strings.

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RE: RE: How is

Message 28199 in response to message 28198

How is Electro/Magnatism (polarity) associated with strings? (grounded)

So far there is no direct connection between String Theory and Electro/Magnetism (or any other physically tested theory).
It should be kept in mind that if ST describes our universe it probably does so in the domain of Plank dimensions. All tested theories work at much larger scales and would reflect some form of composite behavior of the strings.

Not neccesarily. While the nuclear and electromagnetic forces are bound to everyday 4space, gravity is not. Since we've only measured the strength of gravity down to about 1mm, we can't rule out the other dimensions being curled up any more loosely than that. This potenial effect is why there's a chance that the upgraded LHC and high energy cosmic rays may occasionally be able to produce a quantum black hole.

Ernesto Solis
Ernesto Solis
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RE: RE: RE: How is

Message 28200 in response to message 28199

How is Electro/Magnatism (polarity) associated with strings? (grounded)

So far there is no direct connection between String Theory and Electro/Magnetism (or any other physically tested theory).
It should be kept in mind that if ST describes our universe it probably does so in the domain of Plank dimensions. All tested theories work at much larger scales and would reflect some form of composite behavior of the strings.

Not neccesarily. While the nuclear and electromagnetic forces are bound to everyday 4space, gravity is not. Since we've only measured the strength of gravity down to about 1mm, we can't rule out the other dimensions being curled up any more loosely than that. This potenial effect is why there's a chance that the upgraded LHC and high energy cosmic rays may occasionally be able to produce a quantum black hole.

Mark & Dan,
Thank you for your responses.
God bless you all for your help.
Ernie S
Team Art Bell

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