I just started using BOINC yesterday, downloaded, processed and uploaded a data unit but now I am getting this message:
7/13/2005 2:18:31 PM|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi
7/13/2005 2:18:31 PM|Einstein@Home|Requesting 0 seconds of work, returning 0 results
7/13/2005 2:18:35 PM|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi succeeded
I have tried updating but get the same message. Why is it not requesting more work? I am running this on three other machines which are still processing their data, does this have anything to do with the delay on my “faster” machine? I am also running SETI data and there are a couple processed data units waiting to be uploaded… is this another possible delay factor?
What did I break this time?? ;-)
Thank you.
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Requesting 0 seconds of work, returning 0 results
That should be normal operation....
Link to Unofficial Wiki for BOINC, by Paul and Friends
RE: I just started using
What other projects are you running on this machine, what are the LT debts (from the client_state.xml file), what are the resource shares, what are the time stats? Is there some WU that may be in some danger of running late?
> - 10593.750161 > - No,
> - 10593.750161
> - No, there are two machines that are still processing their first WU but are close to being finished. The other two machines are done and have uploaded but give me the same message "Requesting 0 seconds of work, returning 0 results".
> - BOINC projects - SETI. General projects, nothing special, just MS Office stuff.
> - SETI - 66.6%, Einstein - 33.3%
RE: > - 10593.750161 > -
OK, if your connect to every X is less than about 0.15, then you will not be asking for work from the project with the negative LT debt as it owes CPU time to the other project. Since it is only about 10K seconds, it should be updating soon.