LINUX Beta Test App 4.51 available

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RE: The new albert runs

Message 27580 in response to message 27579


The new albert runs under FreeBSD in LINUX-COMPAT.
It runs 20% - 25% faster then the old application.
LINUX-COMPAT must be installed, COMPAT4x isn't needed.

Wait until all work is finished.

#stop boinc
$ > /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop
#Log in as boinc:
$ > su boinc
#Change to work dir
$ > cd /var/db/boinc/projects/
#Get new albert
$ > wget \\
$ > tar -xzf albert_4.51_i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
$ > brandelf -t linux albert_4.51_i686-pc-linux-gnu
$ > brandelf -t linux
#start boinc
$ > /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start

Thats all. We will distribute a package for easy installation in the next days on our team-site

Done! Everybody is welcome to download Martins good work. Please take a look at the ReadMe inside the .tbz Package.


Warning: Some Versions of FireFox (my too) make an error by trying to open the package, it will be a good idea using: right-mouse-click and "save target as"

*Die Signatur befindet sich aus technischen Gründen auf der Rückseite dieses Beitrages!*

Pav Lucistnik
Pav Lucistnik
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Hmm, I thought you're going

Hmm, I thought you're going to do a real pkg_add'able package... just an idea ;)

Still I'll wait for a native app.

Gray Handcock
Gray Handcock
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RE: Hiya All Quick update

Message 27582 in response to message 27576


Hiya All

Quick update before I get into car:

1 Hour 12 min and 33% done - getting close to 3 hours 30-ish per WU !

looking good !


Well back home again and all 3 apps have finished with times of 3 hours 30-odd minutes as I expected: quite a jump in performance time from the usual 4 hours twenty as my fastest time up to 4 hours 45 minutes as a variation, depending on which flavour of Linux / Window Manager I used.

Thanks for the effort - Gray

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Hello there, have done 7

Hello there,

have done 7 WUs up to now with 4.51.
It has roughly doubled the speed of execution.
That's fine!

But I got two invalid WUs, up to now.
Result- ID 24485779m, for instance.
But no hint in stderr out.
Machine is an AMD Sempron 2200+,
Kernel is 2.6.11-6mdk, Mandriva 2005 standard installation.
Boinc is 5.2.14, an optimized version.
Might that be the troublemaker?

8 WUs on another machine, whith the official boinc, went flawless.

Regards, bonnyscott

M. Schmitt
M. Schmitt
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Argh! The first two of my


The first two of my pendings with the beta app got 0 credits!
The exit status is allways 0 and outcome is success.???

The AMD 64 shure is SSE capable and I didn't use any graphics.

Any problem with the scheduler?


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By now I worked 2 WUs with

By now I worked 2 WUs with 4.51. Both WUs run invalid.

Proz: Athlon XP1700+

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Yep, I got some invalid

Yep, I got some invalid results from 4.51 too, lately. I made a slightly modified version (4.55) preserving more precision at a certain point - might be slightly slower but give more accurate results. I'll put it up after some internal testing.



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RE: Hmm, I thought you're

Message 27587 in response to message 27581

Hmm, I thought you're going to do a real pkg_add'able package... just an idea ;)

Everybody can install this prepared apps without consequences to the conistency of officiell ports. It's only a bad hack and i won't spend time to maintain a bad hack for the ports-tree.
If someone else maintain this for the portstree - ok.



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Hi, I got the signal 11 -

I got the signal 11 - error, e.g with this WU on a Celeron 1300MHz with Suse 8.0.
After 'preparing' the - file it seems to work.

Regards, Axel

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I got a 45% speedup on my 400

I got a 45% speedup on my 400 MHz Pentium II (Deschutes), SuSE Linux 9.3, using Albert 4.51.

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