What new project? Each project must be signed up seperately. Each project is their own entity. Accounts are only attached via an ID after attaching to multiple ones, but they stay seperate.
What project? If here, you have a PC attached, are you trying to attach more? If a different project, asking on that project's website is probably best.
Just getting started-won't let me add other projects
What new project? Each project must be signed up seperately. Each project is their own entity. Accounts are only attached via an ID after attaching to multiple ones, but they stay seperate.
When I try to attach a
When I try to attach a project to an existing account, it says that the account is not found, even if the correct e-mail and password are used.
What project? If here, you
What project? If here, you have a PC attached, are you trying to attach more? If a different project, asking on that project's website is probably best.