Gravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional ("O2MD1")

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Bernd Machenschalk

Bernd Machenschalk wrote:

We'll shift the GPUs to a new applcation ("O2MDF") where they'll basically run on their own, i.e. not slowed down by validation by CPUs.

Validation for NVidia cards is almost perfect (invalids < 0.2%), but as some AMD cards are worse (invalids >5%), I'll leave the AMDs in Beta test, at least over the weekend, so their results will be validated by NVidias.

Is there any magic setting in order to get any of the newer O2MDF wu's ? I've got GPU only set and Gravitational Wave Multi-Directional O2 only but it says no work is available, even though server status shows ~ 4000 wu's available


*EDIT* checking the allow non preferred apps gets the wu's. I'm guessing this probably needs to be added as an application in the user preferences


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Bok wrote:*EDIT* checking the

Bok wrote:
*EDIT* checking the allow non preferred apps gets the wu's. 

I can confirm. Same behavior on my side.

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Sorry, missed that. App

Sorry, missed that. App should now be available in preferences.


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I still need to allow beta

I still need to allow beta applications, even for NVidia.


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Bernd Machenschalk

Bernd Machenschalk wrote:

We'll shift the GPUs to a new applcation ("O2MDF") where they'll basically run on their own, i.e. not slowed down by validation by CPUs.

Validation for NVidia cards is almost perfect (invalids < 0.2%), but as some AMD cards are worse (invalids >5%), I'll leave the AMDs in Beta test, at least over the weekend, so their results will be validated by NVidias.

NV/Linux performance is abysmal. Below 10% GPU usage typically. Still looks like a heavily bound CPU app with the credit of a CPU app.

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@mmonin Which GPU (and CPU

Which GPU (and CPU and NV driver version) are you using? Your computers are hidden in your profile.

I observe 89-92% GPU load on a GTX 1050 on debian testing, completing a WU in 15-20 minutes.
I noticed that leaving CPU cores unoccupied, does improve runtimes, but I haven't done empirical tests.

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1070 and 1070Ti with driver

1070 and 1070Ti with driver 396.51 on 1950x in Ubuntu 18.04

I tried it with all CPU tasks paused and GPU usage went up to 83-85% between the GPUs like mentioned with a single task. I've never, ever had to limit CPU tasks in linux. BOINC or FAH. GPU tasks have always had a higher priority until this app.

I'll be getting my 100 hours for WUProp and going back to FGRP since they run at the proper priority.

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Huh, I don't seem to be

Huh, I don't seem to be having any issues with them.  I have 8 cpu threads busy with O2MD1 cpu tasks while I crunch the O2MDFG2 gpu tasks on my three 1070Ti.  All the times comes in around ten minutes and I see 88-92% utilization in nvidia-smi.  Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS with kernel and drivers 440.26.


zombie67 [MM]
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Bernd Machenschalk

Bernd Machenschalk wrote:

We'll shift the GPUs to a new applcation ("O2MDF") where they'll basically run on their own, i.e. not slowed down by validation by CPUs.

Validation for NVidia cards is almost perfect (invalids < 0.2%), but as some AMD cards are worse (invalids >5%), I'll leave the AMDs in Beta test, at least over the weekend, so their results will be validated by NVidias.


Is the validation still turned off for AMD?  I ask because all 4 validated on November 9th (Saturday).  But nothing has validated since then.  I currently have ~375 pending, and growing.

Reno, NV Team: SETI.USA

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zombie67 [MM wrote:]Is the

zombie67 [MM wrote:
]Is the validation still turned off for AMD?  I ask because all 4 validated on November 9th (Saturday).  But nothing has validated since then.  I currently have ~375 pending, and growing.

I don't think it is. I see validations for AMD tasks from the past couple of days and today.

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