Expected runtimes for Radeon HD7970

Pavel Hanak
Pavel Hanak
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Hey guys, I've run into

Hey guys, I've run into exactly the same problem with my HD7970. Read this thread for more info:


Unfortunately, we found no viable solution there. In fact, I ceased to crunch Einstein GPU apps because of it.

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Hi Falcon, nice to have you

Hi Falcon, nice to have you back! The reason the change you made took so long to work was that the BRP utilization factor is attached to WUs upon download and not changed afterwards.


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Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: ... the BRP utilization

... the BRP utilization factor is attached to WUs upon download and not changed afterwards.

I'm sorry, but that's not correct. All you need to do to have the new setting applied to all tasks currently in the work cache is to download a new task after changing the setting.

I know this for a fact because I've just made a change in that setting for a particular host and the change was applied correctly when a new task was received.


ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Ops.. thanks for the

Ops.. thanks for the clarification. So we finally got it: a project update is not enough, new WUs need to be downloaded.


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Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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RE: Ops.. thanks for the


Ops.. thanks for the clarification. So we finally got it: a project update is not enough, new WUs need to be downloaded.


Finally? That's been the case since at least March 2012: massage 116310

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Alternately, don't mess with

Alternately, don't mess with the E@H Work Preferences settings. Leave it at default 1.0.

Stick an app_config.xml file into

Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)


Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU)


Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Perseus Arm Survey)


Anytime you make a change to app_config.xml, do
MENU->Advanced->Read config file

Changes will be reflected immediately.

Better control, less confusion.


ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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RE: Finally? That's been

Finally? That's been the case since at least March 2012: massage 116310

No doubt about that. I was referring to the discussion in this thread, which was.. not exactly evident from my post.


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At least everything is

At least everything is working fine since I got those settings loaded :)

The only troubles I got now is trying to install my 2nd Card in a spare system I resurrected for that purpose - really bad karma on this one *g*
So far neither an unused Vista64 (no Chipset drivers for my old Motherboard) nor Ubuntu (12.04LTS and 13 completely failed to install) worked, looks like I ran into a very rare hardware compatibility issue :p

I'll take it for another spin next month with updated hardware *grrrr* (don't you just hate it when the hard-/software fights you with everything its got ? ;) )

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
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Sounds like you had good

Sounds like you had good reason to retire that system :D
Maybe XP will work?


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I've taken the brute force

I've taken the brute force approach and picked up new Motherboard, CPU, RAM, HD and Win7 today :p

I'm testing it with Vista64 first, however, since I still got that one laying around to toy with (O...M...G...! what a massive pain to install, I'm presently running like Update 1000 of 1500 it seems - although that cheap 500GB HD only serves that BOINC purpose, I already feel sorry for it. Insane how much I/O Vista is doing on it despite Superfetch Service disabled, simply insane :p ).

I initially thought bringing an old XP64 (which I actually never used) into business, but I think the Video/OpenCL Drivers wouldn't install on that one. Had enough trial&error fails so far, so this time I'd rather go straight for gold *g*
With some luck the system is up & running in a few hours.

Due to the new CPU (AMD A10-6700), I hope I manage to bring both the HD7850 as well as the integrated GPU to work.

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