
[AF>HFR>RR] ThierryH
[AF>HFR>RR] ThierryH
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New version: 0.5.5 GUI: -

New version: 0.5.5


- fixed cache size computation
- speed improvements
- new settings in bs.ini (port, updates, timeout, update_clients)
- messages tab added in projects
- messages copy to clipboard added in groups and single computer tabs
- optional filter to display only started results in works tabs
- menus improvements (not yet finished)
- some new lang messages
- russian


- core_client_version BoincStudio version and cpu instructions sets are reported again
- CC logging and computation fixed
- reporting of finished results is forced if min_rpc_time >= 4 hours
- compilation fixes for linux client (less dynamic link depends)
- reporting credit correction status, real and corrected benchmarks with results

Very interessant feature because of E@H outage: reporting of finished results is forced if min_rpc_time >= 4 hours. With that, your box is able to restart E@H at maximum 4 hours after new WUs available, not after 6 days with regular version.

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Thanks for the update. There

Thanks for the update.
There are still some glitches with update procedure: I'm running BOINC Manager and BS, but when new version is installed and BS trigger BOINC restart, only BOINC core in a window is restarted, not BOINC Manager.

- optional filter to display only started results in works tab
OK, how do we that?

Among previously suggested features, there is a simple one to implement, yet very usefull I believe.
On a project/get work, among items 1,2,3...7 days, please add value of "1 second". It should make scheduler provide just one WU.
It's usefull for example when alpha/beta testing new app version or to prevent getting more [large] WUs on dual-cores when not wanted.

EDIT: I found quite high disk I/O (i.e. GBs per day) on boinc.exe core comparing to standard UCB boinc core or other cores. Any explanation for this?

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Hello. Are there problems


Are there problems with the website? I can´t reach

[AF>Futura Sciences]click
[AF>Futura Scie...
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RE: Are there problems with

Message 29552 in response to message 29551

Are there problems with the website? I can´t reach

Server@home, so it cannot handle too many connections and might be down sometimes.

God created a few good looking guys.. and for the rest he put hairs on top..

[AF>Futura Sciences]click
[AF>Futura Scie...
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RE: There are still some

Message 29553 in response to message 29550


There are still some glitches with update procedure: I'm running BOINC Manager and BS, but when new version is installed and BS trigger BOINC restart, only BOINC core in a window is restarted, not BOINC Manager.

I think this is because BOINCManager is not part of BOINCStudio. I will transfer your remark to DocMaboul and let you know what he think/can do about it.


- optional filter to display only started results in works tab
OK, how do we that?

Just go in the "Work" tab, right click somewhere in the window (on an empty place, not on a WU). You will see "Show only started" that you can tick or untick.


Among previously suggested features, there is a simple one to implement, yet very usefull I believe.
On a project/get work, among items 1,2,3...7 days, please add value of "1 second". It should make scheduler provide just one WU.
It's usefull for example when alpha/beta testing new app version or to prevent getting more [large] WUs on dual-cores when not wanted.

Interresting request. I will forward to Doc.

God created a few good looking guys.. and for the rest he put hairs on top..

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RE: I think this is because

Message 29554 in response to message 29553

I think this is because BOINCManager is not part of BOINCStudio. I will transfer your remark to DocMaboul and let you know what he think/can do about it.

Hmm, I thought that if BS can shutdown Boinc Manager, it can also make it running again...

Just go in the "Work" tab, right click somewhere in the window (on an empty place, not on a WU). You will see "Show only started" that you can tick or untick.

This is what I luck - only Work->Columns menu appears.
Ha, I see now: it only works when in Project tree, not computer tree.

Interresting request. I will forward to Doc.

Glad you find it interesting :-)

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Love BS, it makes number

Love BS, it makes number crunching easier and more fun. Thanks Doc.

I have 2 questions on BS:
Limitting CPU works great on eg. Einstein but does not seem to work with CPDN/BBC-project. Does anyboddy else notice this behavior, or is it just me (tested on Pentium-M and a Pentium-D, both WinXp))

Today I got my first WorkUnits from LHC@Home and I noticed that many computer-ID's were generated. It looked like each result had generated a new ID.
Since LHC@H is running out of WU's it will be very difficult to test it with an original BOINC-client.
Does this ring a bell, anyone running BS and LHC@H ?

Tia, Leon

I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be ...ooooh donuts!

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Leon, (ad. 2) I believe you

(ad. 2) I believe you are also running Boinc Account Manager. Yes, LHC has this problem, so does SZTAKI for example, so there are still project to chase/fix this bug.

[AF>HFR>RR] ThierryH
[AF>HFR>RR] ThierryH
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ledi, 1 - I will transmit


1 - I will transmit to Doc.

2 - I'm running LHC without this trouble, but I'm not using BAM.

[AF>HFR>RR] ThierryH
[AF>HFR>RR] ThierryH
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A documentation in English,

A documentation in English, French and spanish is close to be released.

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